Body Dysmorphia Disorder Timeline

  • "Dysmorphophobia"

    • Enrico Morselli (physician, psychiatrist and anthropologist).
    • Article: ‘Sulla Dismorfofobia e sulla Tafefobia due forme non per anco descritte di Pazzia con idee fisse’.
    • Neologism: "Dismorfofobia" (dysmorphophobia).
    • Introduced as a disorder related to fixed ideas underlined by phobia, which fear is caused by a preocupation of imagined abnormal physical qualities.
    • Condition that came from the unconscious.
    (Cuzzolaro & Nizzoli, 2018).
  • Physic Symptom of Neurasthenia

    Physic Symptom of Neurasthenia
    • Eugenio Tanzi (psychiatrist).
    • Acquired and transitory manifestation of neurasthenia: Disorder based on which people is constantly worried about their physical health and appearance, while there is no observational evidence of a body alteration.
    • His book led to the appearance of the word "dysmorphophobia" in the English language (1909).
    (Cuzzolaro & Nizzoli, 2018).
  • The "Wolf Man"

    The "Wolf Man"
    • Sigmund Freud.
    • Sergie Pankejeff: Fear of wolves.
    • Recurrent dream about white wolves staring at him.
    • Irrational and persistant thought of his nose being deformed.
    • Constant preocupation about the appearance of his nose, so he was frequently checking his reflection with detailed examination of his nose.
    (Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation, n.d.).

    • American Psychiatric Association.
    • 'Dysmorphophobia' is presented as an atypical somatoform disorder.
    • 1987: DSM-III-R: 'Body Dysmorphic Disorder'.
    • That classification changed in the DSM-V (2013): Now part of the Obsessive-Compulsive and related Disorders spectrum.
    (Bjornsson et al., 2010; Franca et al., 2017).