
Blues Music Timeline

  • Slave Ships

    Slave Ships
    The first slave ships are brought to North America after the dicovery of land by Christopher Columbus. Many believe that the first slaves were brought to America by Dutch settlers. From this time on, the settlers of the colonies bought these African slaves to do work in the fields and serve their personal needs.
  • The American Declaration of Independance

    The American Declaration of Independance
    The American Declaration of Independance is signed, However, there is no independance or freedom for African slaves who endure harsh conditions.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    Led by President Abraham Lincoln, the civil war took place at this time and the struggle to abolish slavery was born. Slaves were used for many years in the South and the blues genre developed from the slaves' harsh work conditions. They created songs that were very spiritual about work, life, and hope. Finally, the civil war brought hope to many slaves.
  • American Civil War Ends

    American Civil War Ends
    This marks the defeat of the Confederate States and the freedom of the African American slaves. The former slaves' ownership came to an end due to the efforts of Abraham Lincoln, his government, and his Union Army. 4 million slaves became free.
  • Big Bill Broonzy

    Big Bill Broonzy
    Bill, a Mississipi bluesman, moved to the city of Chicago with his parents in the year of 1920 and packed his heritage with him. He is a key contributer in starting the Chicago Blues genre and popularizing it.
  • Bessie Smith

    Bessie Smith
    One of the first Blues artists to emerge out of the 20's was Bessie Smith, who sang the blues and contributed to more modern interpretations of the genre.
  • Period: to

    The Emergence of the Three Kings

    Albert King, B.B. King, and Freddie King, all emerge as the most talented and influential blues guitarists to this day. These guitarists transcribed their cultural heritage into memorable pieces of music on the electric guitar. As blues music was traditionally sung, they had refined a new era of innovation electrictifying blues and influenced many to come.
  • Period: to

    The 60's and 70's English Blues Rock

    Throughout this era, many English Blues Rock artists emerged using the African American influences in creating new music. Some great acts of this period were Jimmy Page, a young guitarist who emerged from London influenced by many blues and rock artists namely B.B. King. Keith Richards and Peter Green also became popular througout the era contributing to their own version of the blues as they mixed blues with rock to create a refined sound.
  • John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers

    John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers
    Through his blues influences including renowned blues guitarist B.B. King, English guitarist Eric Clapton became a master of Blues guitar and created the first revolutionary blues electric guitar sound. He composed a memorable blues album with vocalist John Mayall, which included covers from blues greats Otis Rush, Freddie King, and Robert Johnson. This albums' covers of blues standards evidently showed the influences of African American blues artists in the compositon.
  • 70's Blues Oriented Acts Emerge in the Texas Music Scene

    70's Blues Oriented Acts Emerge in the Texas Music Scene
    Influenced by classic blues musicians, a number of acts emerged in the Texas Blues scene throughout the 70's namely guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan and trio ZZ Top. These acts revolutionized Texas Blues along with creating distinct sounds with electric guitars.
  • The Modern Blues Artists

    Many modern blues artists emerged and refined the genre while adding their own touch to create modern music. Such artists as Joe Bonamassa and John Mayer are renowned blues artists who's primary intruments are the electric guitar. Some of their influences were Eric Clapton and Stevie Ray Vaughan, from the 70's.
  • Blues Hall of Fame

    Located in Memphis Tnessee, the Blues Hall of Fame finally opened to the public recognozing all Blues Artyists contributions and influence to the genre.