Period: to
Production History
Teatro Beatriz in Madrid -
"Bitter Oleander"
Lyceum Theatre, Broadway Premiere. Adaptation -
Lorca Assasination
"Nozze di sangue"
Italian film adaptation, directed by Goffredo Alessandrini. Set in 19th Century South America -
Canary Islands Incident, "Bodas de Sangre"
A production of Bodas de Sangre set to take place on the Canary Islands was banned by the Franco regime due to censorship -
A German Opera adaptation of Blood Wedding based on Enrique Beck's German translation of Bodas de Sangre. Premiered at Cologne Opera -
BBC Television World Theatre, "Blood Wedding"
The program BBC Television World Theatre featured a production of "Blood Wedding". It was poorly received by viewers -
Jose Tamayo, "Bodas de Sangre"
Directed by Jose Tamayo at the Teatro Bellas Artes. This was the first large-scale production of "Bodas de Sangre" in Spain following Lorca's death -
"Noces de Sang"
Director Souheil Ben-Barka, this Moroccan film adaptation was the official submission for Morocco for the "Best Foreign Language Film" in 1978 -
Carlos Saura, "Bodas de Sangre"
Directed by Carlos Saura, this film adaptation of "Bodas de Sangre", was in Spanish with English Subtitles. The script was written by Antonio Artero, and the adaptation was done by Alfredo Manas -
Jose Luis Gomez, "Bodas de Sangre"
Marking the fiftieth anniversary of Lorca's death, this production opened at Teatro de la Plaza. However, it was also featured in the Edinburgh International Festival -
Hannah Snir, "Blood Wedding"
Opening at the Habimah National Theatre in Israel, this production included some controversial stylistic choices -
Melia Bensussen, "Blood Wedding"
Produced at the Joseph Papp Public Theater, this was one of the first productions to use the Langston Hughes translation following its discovery -
Mark Wing-Davey, "Blood Wedding
With a month-long run at the La Jolla Play House, this production included a bilingual cast -
"Le Maryaj Lenglensou"
This Haitian film adaptation was well received. -
BBC Radio Adaptation, "Blood Wedding"
A three part radio adaptation of "Blood Wedding" by BBC Radio 3 -
"La Novia"
Paula Ortiz directed this recent Spanish film adaptation -
Daniel Ostling, "Blood Wedding"
Chicago-based, Lookinglass Theater Company used the Michael Dewell and Carmen Zapata translation in this production -
The William's Project, "Blood Wedding"
Using the Langston Hughes translation, this recent production used a migrating stage and was well received