1st (Right Side)
Deoxygenated blood enters through Superior & Inferior Venacava -
2nd ( Right Side )
Deoxygenated blood enters RIght Atrium -
3rd ( RIght Side )
Deoxygenated blood passes through Tricuspid valve and flows into the Right Ventricle -
4th ( RIght Side )
Deoxygenated blood leaves the Right ventricle and flows through the Pulmonic valve -
5th ( Ride Side )
Deoxgynated blood flows through the Pulmonic valve into the Pulmonary Artery -
6th ( Right Side )
Deoxgenated blood leaves the Pulmonary Artery and blood floxs to the Left and RIght lung -
1st ( Left SIde )
Oxygenated blood flows from Right & Left lungs through Pulmonary Veins -
2nd ( Left Side )
Oxygenated blood flows from pulmonary veins to the Left atrium -
3rd ( Left Side )
Oxygenated blood flows from Left Atrium and passes through the Mitral(Bicuspid) Valve into the left Ventricle -
4th ( Left Side )
Oxygenated blood flows from Left Ventricle and passes through the Aortic Valve -
5th ( Left Side )
Oxygenated blood passes through the Aortic valve into the Aorta -
6th ( Left Side )
Oxygenated blood leaves the Aorta and flows into the other parts of the body