
Blood And It's History!

  • Feb 1, 1200

    Pulonary Circulation

    Eminent Cairo wrote a book about how the blood goes to and from the lungs.He also described Pulonary Circulation.
  • Feb 2, 1553

    Galen's Theory was WRONG!!

    A Spanish physician and a man named Micheal Servetus proved that Galen's theory was wrong by suggestioning that blood flows from one side of the Heart to the other because of the lungs not because of a wall between the Ventricles.
  • William Harvey explains masterwork.

    William said in that in his work it xplains how Blood circulates and is pumped by the heart.Also when he explained this he got a great number of criticism.He also tried to back this information up with expierements done on Animals an some he even did on the surface of the Veins!
  • Jean-Baptiste Denise and the fusion of Blood and a young boy!

    There was this teenage boy and he was suffering from a constant fever so what Jean did was she got 9 ounces of Lambs blood and Transfused it.The way Jean did this was by attahing a the Lambs cortid artery to the teens vien without the boy suffering any negative feedback.
  • James Bundell and the first human to human Transfusion!!

    James Bundell did this on a patient who was suffering from internal bleeding.He got a sryinge and it contained 12 to 14 ounces of blood wich he got from many different donors.After he did this the patient did i die but the patient was slowly recovering.
  • Carl Lanstinier and his paper on the main types of Blood Groups.

    Carl called these groups,Group A,Group B and Group C wich he changed to O.What he did was take notes of the charts that regulate the reaction that occurs when he messed around with Serum and blood cells of the original Specimens. He got Red Blood Cells and got them to Agglutinate when Secrum from one cell group called "A" mixed with them. Cells of group"B" Causes them to Aglutinate aswell but now group "C" does not cause this wich leads Carl to believe there are more then one Anti-Cellbody's.
  • Dr. Ludvig Hektoen

    Luvdvig was the first to sugjest that we check people whp are donating blood for diseases
  • Richard Lewisoh.

    Richard formulated a concetration of Sodium Citrate that can be added with the donor to stop and or prevent Coagulation from heppening at all.
  • War and it's affect on Blood!

    War was one key event that was happening.Scientist and also hundreds of doctors were trying to find out more and more about Blood due to the reason they were using so much of it during the world wars.
  • Percy Lane Oliver

    Percy created a Blood Donor service out of his own Home. He had to go and get people who could assentually help him with this job. Now he could not use just anyone. All the people that worked for him were tested for any type of deiseases and also they had there names recoreded that way he could quickly contact them when he needed there Blood for someone.
  • Dr. Serge Yudin and transfusing

    Yudin was the first to test tranfusing of humans and cadaver blood.He was able to save a man who slashed his wrist in a attempt to comment suicide...He used 420 cc's of blood.
  • A physician Federico Duran-Jorda makes a arcelona Blood-Transfusion center!!!

    What he did was collected blood and tested it also he would preserve and store it.He would have the blood transported to the Spanish war.
  • Dr. Bernard Fantus

    He introduces a blood bank.
  • Dr. Charles Drew and the Blood Shortage!!

    Britian had a Blood shortage during WW2! Dr.Charles had to separate and preserve blood plasma and had to find a valuable substatute for it.
  • Red cross

    The Red Cross makes a Civilian blood donor organization and the first one opens in New York city.
  • Blood networks unite!!

    Blood networks decide to form together instead of being a solo community.
  • Dr. Max Perutz

    Max was able to see the protien within the blood using x-rays.
  • Aids show up.

    The people started noticeing that this new disease was popping up called (aids).
  • Dr. Luc Montagnier

    He found that the aids virus was found in the neck of a Parisian and he labeled it the lymphadenopathy-associated virus.
  • Dr. Robert Gallo

    Found the virus that causes aids.
  • Desieses test get more advanced.

    They made more advaced techknowlogoy to detect more then just the aids virus.