Reynolds's political map of the united states 1856

Civil War Timeline

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    Missouri Compromise

    North and the South grew into sectionalism or loyalty to a particular region of the country. Balance between slave and free states in the Senate.
  • compromise 1850

    compromise 1850
    Required states to return fugitive slaves. Southerns talked about secession from the union. The Congress finally past five bills.
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    North and the South grew into sectionalism or loyalty to a particular region of the country. Balance between slave and free states in the Senate. It was that they wanted free states and slaves states. They wanted the votes to be far so Missouri would be a free state and Main would be a slave states.
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    Compromise of 1850

    Required states to return fugitive slaves. Southerns talked about secession from the union. The Congress finally past five bills.
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    Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Declares popular sovereignty in territories. Missouri voters help elect pro-slavery legislature in Kansas. Missouri crossed the border just to vote in the election. Groups traveled in armed are known as border ruffians.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Declares popular sovereignty in territories. Missouri voters help elect pro-slavery legislature in Kansas. Missouri crossed the border just to vote in the election. Groups traveled in armed are known as border ruffians.
  • “Bleeding Kansas”-Sacking of Lawrence

    “Bleeding Kansas”-Sacking of Lawrence
    Both sides arming themselves then outbreak of violence became unavoidable.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    Begins the Civil War. The fort was low on supplies Lincoln was going to send supplies and Davis started shouting Fort Sumter and Lincoln started shouting back. Fort Sumter was located at Charleston.
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    "Bleeding Kansas”-Sacking of Lawrence

    Both sides arming themselves then outbreak of violence became unavoidable.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    The decision rules that slavery is protected by the Constitution.
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    Dred Scott Decision

    The decision rules that slavery is protected by the Constitution.
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    Raid on Harpers Ferry (John Brown)

    Arsenal uniting abolitionists.Brown had and arsenal of weapons in hopes to arm enslaved African Americans.
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    Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Main topic of discussion was slavery. Lincoln wanted to know Douglas view on popular sovereignty.
  • Raid on Harpers Ferry (John Brown)

    Raid on Harpers Ferry (John Brown)
    Arsenal uniting abolitionists.Brown had and arsenal of weapons in hopes to arm enslaved African Americans.
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    Election of Lincoln

    South Carolina secedes other Southern states follow. Lincoln name did not even appear on the ballot in most Southern states, but he won every Northern states. In effect the more populous North outvoted the South. Found reasons to support secession with the theory of states rights.
  • Election of Lincoln

    Election of Lincoln
    South Carolina secedes other Southern states follow. Lincoln name did not even appear on the ballot in most Southern states, but he won every Northern states. In effect the more populous North outvoted the South. Found reasons to support secession with the theory of states rights.
  • Lincoln Inaugural Address

    Lincoln Inaugural Address
    Lincoln speaks of preserving the union and preventing war
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    Lincoln Inaugural Address

    Lincoln speaks of preserving the union and preventing war.
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    Attack on Fort Sumter

    Begins the Civil War. The fort was low on supplies Lincoln was going to send supplies and Davis started shooting Fort Sumter and Lincoln started shooting back.
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    “Bleeding Kansas”-Sacking of Lawrence

    The main idea is of this passage violence brook out into a civil war in Kansas over the free states and the slave states. How the war was going to be a slave state or a free state. The reason why they called it bleeding Kansas is because a lot of people lost their lives that day.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Lincoln Douglas Debates
    Main topic of discussion was slavery. Lincoln wanted to know Douglas view on popular sovereignty.