Black Panthers

  • Huey P. Newton

    Huey P. Newton
    Huey P. Newton Biography
    -Leader and co founder of the Black Panther Party -Grew up in California
    -got in trouble with the law
    -was killed by a member of another group in 1989
  • 2 Goals the Black Panther Party continues to fight today

    2 Goals the Black Panther Party continues to fight today
    The 10 point platform -The Black Panther Party wants equality in education, housing, employment and civil rights -Successfully achieve "the ten point platform"
  • Black Panthers Party is founded

    Black Panthers Party is founded
    Black Panther Creation
    -Huey P. Newton attended school at Merrit College
    -Involved with politcal groups
    -Met Bobby Seale during college
    -Took a militant stance for African American rights
    -Decided to finally form the Black Panther Party
  • Ten Point Program

    Ten Point Program
    Ten Point Program Summary
    -Created for the Black Panthers as a combination of a Bill of Rights, and a Declaration of Independence
    -Black Panther members were to live by and follow through with these statements daily
    -Ten main points/statements (summarized on notecard)
  • Huey Newton's Manslaughter Trial

    Huey Newton's Manslaughter Trial
    trial description
    -Newton was claimed to have murdered a police officer in cold blood -He was charged for first-degree murder, felonious assault, and kidnapping -The trial took place in Oakland, California and ended on Sept. 8, 1968 -The verdict was guilty for voluntary manslaughter, not guilty of felonious assault and the kidnapping charge was dismissed -Huey Newton was sentenced 2-15 years in jail
  • Major Accomplishments by the Black Panthers

    Major Accomplishments by the Black Panthers
    Free Breakfast for Children Program -The Free Breakfast for Children Program -Intercommunal Youth Institute which deomonstrated how black youth should be educated -Creating multiple free services for all African-Americans
  • Free Breakfast For Children Program

    Free Breakfast For Children Program
    Free Breakfast for Children Program summary
    -started in one small Catholic church
    -eventually spread to every large city in America
    -became very effective and fed thousands of starving kids
    -first nationally organized breakfast program
  • J. Edgar Hoover leads FBI Investigations into Black Panther activities

    J. Edgar Hoover leads FBI Investigations into Black Panther activities
    Investigation link -Hoover became invovled with the Black Panther Party in 1967 and 1968 -COINTELPRO was created in 1956 for "political radicals", but now had their full attention on the Black Panthers -June 15, 1969 Hoover declared the Black Panther Party was the greatest threat to internal security of the country -Hoover pledged that 1969 would be the last year of the Party's existence