Gay marriage

  • Same sex couple applies for a marriage license

    Richard Jack and James McConnell attended a university in Minnesota. They applied for a marriage silence and were denied by Nelson who was the Hennapin county court clerk and he turned them down because they were both men. They argued saying Minnesota marriage law didn't specify on gender.
  • Maryland bans same sex marriage

    Maryland becomes the first state to ban same sex marriage. They said "Only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid in this State." This just went and showed that back then homosexuality was really really looked down on its definitely gotten better over the years.
  • Non-church sanctioned gay wedding

    John Fortinato and Wayne schwandt married and they called it a holy reunion which was pretty misleading considering they asked the church for they're blessing and the church publicly denied them. This goes to show that the church wasn't planning on betraying their beliefs by condoning gay marriage. Still gay people arent letting this stop them they will keep trying to earn their right to marriage.
  • mass same sex wedding

    This was a massive event with nearly 7,000 people attending the wedding.This was a massive same sex wedding, This was marked as the symbolic beginning to nearly 2,000 same sex marriages. This was a really big event which a lot of people attended it shined a light on the fact that gay couples were going to get married regardless of what the church and government said about it.
  • same sex couples are defined as a family

    New York's highest court decided to expand the legal definition of a family. It says that a gay couple that has been together for 10 years could be considered a family under New York rent control regulations. This was groundbreaking gay and lesbian families are now able to define themselves as a family in New York.
  • Clinton signs defense of marriage act

    president Clinton signs an act that defines marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, he defines a spouse as a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife. This must have sent people especially in the gay community into a frenzy because he was trying to take away everything they had been working towards.
  • Hawaiis domestic partnership Benefits

    Hawaii became the first state to extend broad rights to domestic partners. This was thought to be a breakthrough for the gay and lesbian community. Hawaii's package was the best one that has been passed, it covers 60 items from medical insurance. The benefits are only eligible when on the island. This was great and very generous of Hawaii although it didn't effect everyone Hawaii citizens still got to enjoy their new rights.
  • same sex marriage in Nevada

    Nevada decided that they will give marriage licenses to anyone regardless of their gender and that all that they will treat all marriages equally under the law. They also want to repel provisions that only a marriage between a male and a female may be recognized and given effect in Nevada. Nevada is saying that they will recognize all marriages equally regardless of the gender of the marriage. This means that the citizens of Nevada are now able to marry whoever they want no matter their gender.