Montgomery Bus Boyott
It began on December 5th 1995 and it was because the segregated seating had gone to far. It was in Montgomery, Alabama and it had ended on the 20 of December 1956. Then on June 5th 1956 the court ruled the racial segregated law violated the 14th amendment...Buses were integrated 12/21/1956 -
Little Rock 9
It all started on September 1,1956 when Thelma Mothershed, Elizabeth Eckford, Melba Pattillo Beals, Jefferson Thomas, Ernest Green, Minnijean Brown, Carlotta Walls, Terrence Roberts, and Gloria Ray were integrated to Central High, but also had to face a big mop of whites. This lead for protesting to erupt and for the President Eisenhower to sent in federal troops to protect the little rock 9. -
Sit-ins Greenboro N.C
The people I'm the sit in were influenced by the non violent practices by Monada Gandhi as well as the freedom rides organized by CORE. It was during the 1960's and the Woolworths had to change their serving policy to match and integrate their falling customers. -
King's March on Washington D.C
This march was lead by Martin Luther King Jr. at the Lincoln Memorial In Washington D.C. The reason for this march is for jobs and freedom toward the African American. The event to to get people's attention to continuing challenges and inequalities faced by the African American a century after emancipation. -
Selma- Montgomery March
It took place in March 7th 1965, in Alabama. It had 600 people with John Lewis, Hosea Williams,and state troopers. It was like this because the blacks wanted to register votes in the south and in August, Congresses prossed the voting rights acts which granted the blacks to vote on the south. -
Watts Riots 1965
In Los Angeles white polices where beating a black men for suspect of drunk driving. This angered the African American leading for them to riot against the whites for five day. Leaving 34 dead, 1032 injured, 4,000 arrested, and $40 million wealth of property destroyed. -
Newark riots 1967
It happened on July 12 , 1967- July 17 167. It happened in Newark New Jersey. It was sparked by a display of police brutality and lasted 5 days. It was between john smith and the police and over 750 were injured and over 1,00 were jailed for property damage which had exceeded 10 million dollars. The riot was the worst civil disaster in New jersey history. it had ended on July 7, 1967 -
Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike
Memphis, Tennesse is where Afircan American where frustrated by the city's response to the latest event in a long pattern of neglect and abuse of its black employees. The outcome of the Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike is the negotiators finally reached a deal on 16, April, allowing the city council to recognize the union and guaranteeing a better wage. -
LA Riot 1992
It occurred when a police had attacked an unarmed black person in LA. He was a motorist and the cop beat him in the name of the law but it was just police brutality. It was on 4/29/1992 and it lasted for a whole year. A whole year of rioting and destruction all for beating and police brutality. In the end the police officer who had beat the man was sentenced for 4 year of prison. -
Ferguson Mo. 2014
In Ferguson Mo, St. Louis, white police officer had shoot and killed an unarmed African American. Still lead for the African American to protest for the death of the unarmed black teenager named, Michael Brown. After the protest changes were made on the St. Louis polices system and justice system and Michael Brown's family were given justice for their son with 1.5 billion. -
Baltimore Protest 2015
It was on April 25th 2015 and was one of the biggest riots ever in Maryland. The State had to call in the national guard to help with the Baltimore police. For the fact that a man Freddie Gray was in good health when arrested but due to police brutality he had died of a coma the next week. This resulted in 200 being arrested and a state of emergency being put in place with a city wide curfew.