Period: to
slavery in america Blacks were used as slaves, they had to work in cold and hot, they were beaten,they we mostly starved,they were bought and sold. -
Emanication proclimaion
everyone that is being held a "slave" is free -
13th amendment
The 13th amendment abolished sslavery. -
Founding of NAACP
national association for the advancment of colored people. -
Harlem renissance
It was the name given to them after a big exsplosion of the end of world war 1. and the middle of 1930s. -
Brown Vs. Board of Education
united states declared by law blacks and white go to different public schools. -
little rock 9
a group of 9 blacks that enrolled in little rock central high school. -
Cival rights act of 1964
cival rights act (1964) our documentdiscrimination against race,sex,religion. -
central park 5
5 african american men from harlem was wrongly convince of rapping a white woman in new york city, the five men were upended by this miscarrage of justice. -
barack oboma
the 44th president of the united states, the first african american to hold the office. -
Michael Brown-Ferguson
New York Times ArticleBrown was fatally shoot by a white furgusin police officer. befor the shooting brown had stolin serveral packages of cigarillos.