black history

  • start of civil war

    start of civil war
    the civil war starts and america fights america
  • end of civil war

    end of civil war
    the american civil war ends
  • jackie robinson is born

    jackie robinson is born
    the first black baseball player in the big baseball games is born
  • the great Morgan Freeman is born

    the great Morgan Freeman is born
    the greatest man on earth is born
  • jackie robinson starts baseball career

    jackie robinson starts baseball career
    jackie robinson starts baseball career in the big games
  • rosa parks

    rosa parks
    rosa parks did not want to give her seat up for a white man
  • little rock nine

    little rock nine
    9 african ameracian kids enrolled in little rock highschool
  • martin luther king is assassination

    martin luther king is assassination
    martin luther king is assassinatated in memphis, tennessee
  • i have a dream speech

    i have a dream speech
    martin luther king gave his i have a dream speech
  • jackie robinson dies

    jackie robinson dies
    jackie robinson dies in north stamford
  • GOKU
