Black Hawk Down by: Mark Bowden, Pages :485, Non-fiction

  • Pages 1-79

    An elite group of Marine Rangers, Navy Seals and Delta team moved into a city called Bakara in southern Somalia to take down a clans leaders and cripple the group. The mission is said to go easily and if done right , should only take an hour. Everything was going well until one of the blackhawk helicpoters were shot down.
  • Period: to

    Black Hawk Down

  • pages 80-100

    the majors back at base ordered all remaining troops on the ground to surround the choppers crash site, they have taken several casuilities and the cameras in the sky picked up thousands of somalians converging on the crash site in all directions.
  • pages 100-158

    While the delta forces where done loading the prisoners onto flatbed trucks, another helicopter was hit and complete chaos broke out. The commanders are now ordering the convoy of several trucks and humvees to go to the 2nd crash site while the others still go to the first.
  • pages 159-205

    The vehicle convoy took so many deaths and damage that it had to return to base before making it to the crash site. The wounded where takin out at base and the others plus some other volunteers rearmed and began making there way back to the crash site. While the convoy was back at base, 2 NAVY SEALS were dropped in to secure and hold off the 2nd crash site till the convoy arrives.
  • Pages 206-243

    all the troops remaining on the ground made it to the 1st crash site and are holding out there until the convoy of vehicles arrives. The 2 Navy Seals at the 2nd crash site were killed along with the copiolit and crew cheif. The piolit of that chopper was taken captive by militia men.
  • pages 244-297

    when the late hours of night arrived, the rangers are regreting that they didnt bring night vision. A wounded man who was suspected to live died and this event both sparked both anger and fear into the men. Also, the ground convoy is still trying to find a way to the first crash site and isnt expected to arrive for another few hours.
  • pages 298-355

    The convoy was able to drop a few men off at the second crash site to destroy the chopper.Once the men got back on the convoy, they were able to push thru to the 1st crash site after already 3 more hours of fighting. After the helicpoter at this crash site was destroyed, men began piling onto the trucks.
  • pages 354-454

    When the men started piling onto the trucks , the drivers realized that there was not enough room for all of them. So only the wounded and dead were piled on and 17 other men had to run after the convoy. With the increased volume of fire in the morning, 2 more men were injured on the run after the cfonvoy but eventually all the men were able to make it to the 10th Mtn. deivisions rally point. Later the next day, the letters and visits to the families of those lost began.
  • pages 454-485

    Michael Durant the piolit of the 2nd crashed helicopter was held captive for 12 days. After president Clinton said there would be no negotications, the piolit was releaed and was able to live.