Before the disease
trade increases between Europe and Asia expanding silk road, unintentionally setting the stage for plague transmission. The mongol empire facilitates long distance trade. -
the black Death emerges. Likely originating from central Asia it soon spreads along trade routes. Some historical evidence shows it first appeared in China. -
Plague reaches Mongol army
Mongols would catapult infected bodies over the walls of Kaffa, furthering the plague. -
Increased trade
italian merchants being increasing trade with black sea ports further spreading the disease before its arrival in europe. The black sea trading hubs became key points for plague transmission -
Genoese traders flee Kaffa
In doing so the traders spread the plague to Constantinople, Sicily, and ports along the mediterranean -
Rapid spread across Europe
The plague begins rapidly spreading, eventually devastating the Netherlands, Germany, and Scandinavia. King Edwards lll daughter dies from the plague and Jewish communities are blamed. -
closure of parliment
King Edward lll orders closure of Parliament. The government halts meetings to prevent further infections. Lawmakers struggle to maintain orders. -
More outbreaks
plague spreads to Paris and Avignon causing massive fatalities. Italys trade network accelerates the plagues spread. -
Jews massacared
Jews in Strasbourg are massacred as scapegoats for the plague. Many christians falsely beloved Jews poisoned wells to spread the plague. Thousands were burned. -
Death of King Alfonso XI
He was the only known reigning monarch to die of the black plague -
More outbreaks
Norway, Scotland, and Sweden suffer outbreaks. Ships arriving in Scandinavian ports bring the disease north. Harsh winters slow the spread but do not stop it. -
Reaches russia
plague reaches russia causing widespread devastation. Moscow and other major cities suffer massive population losses. Russian traders bring the disease deep into europe. -
Last of outbreaks
The last major outbreaks occur in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. -
Pope issues an act protecting jews
Pope clement VI issues a papal bull condemning attacks on Jewish communities accused of spread the plague -
First wave ends
The first wave killed an estimated 25-50 million people, which at the time was nearly half of europes population -
construction of charles bridge begins
It was partially funded due to the economic shift caused by plague deaths. The bridge is funded partially by new taxes imposed after the plague. It is symbolic for the recovery after devastation. -
A resurgence of the plague spreads through europe hitting younger generations. Mostly affects those born after 1348. Younger generations have no immunity leading to high mortality/ -
Repeated outbreaks
Repeated outbreaks put strain on federalism. Cities that have recovered were struck again. Labor shortages worsen causing wage to rise. -
Peasants revolt
The peasants revolt in England partially caused by labor shortages. Serfs demand higher wages and better working conditions. King Richard ll crusher revolt. -
Black Death continues to make new waves
The black Death heavily influenced the rise of the Renaissance as societies rebuild and change