Black Death (If the date is January 30, then it is unknown)

  • 542 BCE

    Plague reaches the city of Constantipole

  • 540 BCE

    An outbreak of the new plague occurs in Pelusium, Egypt.

  • 430 BCE

    Thucydides writes about a disease that is supposedly the plague.

  • Jan 30, 1334

    Plague occurs in Constantinople.

  • Jan 30, 1347

    The Black Plague begins to spread throughout Western Europe

  • Jan 30, 1349

    1/3 of the population of Europe is dies from the Black Death. Back then, this was around 25 million people

  • Jan 30, 1350

    The Plague reaches Eastern Europe

  • Jan 30, 1351

    The Plague reaches Russia

  • Jan 30, 1353

    Giovanni Boccaccio finishes writing The Decameron, which is a novel about the 1348 outbreak of the Black Plague in Florence, Italy

  • The Great Fire of London burns some of the rats and fleas that carry the plague in attempt to rid London of the Black Plague

  • Daniel Defoe publishes a book that recounts the Great Plague of London as a fictional recounting

  • The Black Plague flares up again in Russia, India, and China

  • The recent pandemic ends

  • Both separate, bacteriologists Alexandre Yersin and Shibasaburo Kitasato find and isolate the bacteria that causes the Black Death. Alexandre finds out that fleas on rodents carry the bacteria

  • Three mice infected with the black death go missing from a laboratory at the public health institute in New Jersey