Black Death

  • 1320

    gobi desert

    gobi desert
    the black death(bubonic plague) landed in the gobi desert and spread from there from flea to rat, rat to humans, then humans to humans
  • 1338

    lake issyk kul

    lake issyk kul
    researchers discovered the strain was closely related to ones found in rodents near lake issyk kul
  • 1344

    lower volga river

    lower volga river
    the plague occurs in Volga River and spreads through Eastern and Central Europe from there
  • 1346


    At the black deaths height, as many as 10,000 people a day were dying in Constantinople
  • 1346

    crimea and caucasus

    crimea and caucasus
    in crimea the black death was bought by mongol armies when they attacked leading to the disease transmitting into caucasus an unaccountable number of people also died.
  • 1347

    italy and greece

    italy and greece
    the disease in italy was spread by infected galleys coming from kaffa. the black death hit greece through trade routs and port cities.
  • 1347

    massina sicily

    massina sicily
    A ship that came from crimea and asia did not only contain sailors by rats too, therefore bringing and introducing the black death to massina.
  • 1347

    northern europe

    northern europe
    50% of Europe's 14th century population was taken out by the plague
  • 1347


    daily death rates were roughly 100 dead per day in the early days of the plague outbreak, rising to 200 per day as the epidemic intensified.
  • 1347


    The Black Death in egypt resulted in the death of 200,000 people.The Black Death in Cairo resulted in a third of the population reported dead, and resulted in several quarters of the city becoming depopulated.
  • 1348

    genoa venice

    genoa venice
    Genoese ships had carried the infection to their home port and to Venice, and from there the Black Death spread quickly throughout the Italian peninsula
  • 1349


    mecca had 2 massive peaks of the plague, one in 1349 and another in 1351
  • 1349

    britain and ireland

    britain and ireland
    in britain 40% to 45% of the total population died of the plague. in ireland between a quarter and a third of the population died during the first outbreak
  • 1351


    king mujahid was imprisoned in cairo before coming back he then caught the disease and transfed the disease to yemen.
  • 1353


    Moscow was ravaged, and the disease also reached the border with the Golden Horde, this time from the west, where it petered out.