Bizantine and Carolingian empire

By Valfer
  • 476

    Middle ages began

    Middle ages began
    The WRE was invaded by the barbarians
  • 507

    Battle of Vouille

    Battle of Vouille
    Clovis defeated the Visigoths and expelled time from the Kingdom of Toulouse.
  • 527

    Beggining of Justinian reign

    Beggining of Justinian reign
    During his reign (527-565) some of the territories of the former WRE were conquered
  • Dec 28, 626

    Persians attack Constantinople

    Persians attack Constantinople
    The persians fought the succesors of Justinian and they conquered Constantinople
  • May 14, 732

    Battle of Poitiers

    Battle of Poitiers
    Charles Martel defeated the Muslims and them retreted to the Iberian Península.
  • Oct 18, 751

    Pippin the short

    Pippin the short
    Deposed the last Frankish king with the pope's approval.This was the start of the Carolingian dynasty.
  • Theodosius

    Theodosius divided the empire into the WRE and ERE
  • Clovis

    King of the Franks
  • Louis the Pious

    Louis the Pious
    Charlemagne was succeeded by his son Louis the Pious and during his reign the power struggles began to break out.
  • Charlemagne emperor

    Charlemagne emperor
    After Pippin's death,Charlemagne was proclamed Roaman Emperor
  • Treaty of Verdun

    Treaty of Verdun
    The three sons of Louis the Pious fighting for control of the empire,finally They reached and agreement in the Treaty of Verdun