Bismarck's United Germany

  • Early German Confederation

    Early German Confederation
    Before in Germany, it was split into several states due to the Thirty Years War. Napoleon originally in his ruling annexed German lands along the Rhine River for France into the Rhine Confederation. At first Germans welcomed Napoleon with his new policies, but some wanted to free their lands from French rule then demancing a unified Germany. Finally at the Congress of Vienna, the people decided to instead of unifying Germany, they would instead make the German Confederation led by Austria.
  • Bismarck's Rise to Power

    Bismarck's Rise to Power
    Bismarck came from Prussia in a rich landowning class. He was a diplomat in Russia and France before William I made him a prime minister thento chancellor. Bismarck's success came from Realpolitik where power was over principles that showed in his policy of "blood and iron" that led Germany to be united under Prussia.
  • Danish-Prussian War

    Danish-Prussian War
    Earlier Bismarck strengthened the Prussian army by taking funds intended for others to be in the military. His first war was sthe Danish-Prussian War where he formed an alliance with Austria. They seized Schleswig and Holstein and split the two provinces. The wars would soon increase prestige and power in Germany.
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Austro-Prussian War
    Afterwards Prussia created an excuse to destroy their alliance with Austria and fight them instead. The Austro-Prussian War lasted just seven weeks with Prussia as the victor. Afterwards Prussia annexed other northern states into the North German Confederation. Bismarck destroyed the German Confederation and created a new one led by Prussia. He refused other wars with Austria as it would've been long and risky.
  • Franco-Prussian War of 1870

    Franco-Prussian War of 1870
    The Austrian loss with Prussia angered Napoleon III that led to the Franco-Prussian War. In order to win Bismarck raised German nationalism to make France menancing. He also made a telegram between France and Prussia to be insulting to quicken the war. The war dissolved the troops and France accepted a humiliating peace in his old age.
  • Kaiser's Second Reich

    Kaiser's Second Reich
    With all of the victories for Prussia, the princes of Germany persuaded William I to be kaiser. Nationalists celebrated the second Reich in 1871 similar to the Holy Roman Empire. The new Reich had two houses. One was the Bundesrat appointed by rulers. The Reichstag was elected by male suffrage. But majority power remained the kaiser and chancellor.
  • Making Germany's Economy Increase

    Making Germany's Economy Increase
    With the aftermath of unification, Germany's economy boomed. They had plenty of resources for an industrialization revolution. The productive society was responsible and deference to authority that helped make a huge home market and lots of workers. Companies like the house of Krupp produced steel and weapons and optics companies increased in telescopes and microscopes.
  • Chancellor's Campaign Against the Church

    Chancellor's Campaign Against the Church
    Continuing being the chancellor, Bismarck used ruthless methods in Germany and crushed oppositions to the German state. He targeted the church first because he wanted Catholics' put loyalty to state above their religion. Some laws closed religious orders, expelled Jesuits, and supervise Catholic education. His plan backfired as the faithful went with the church and Bismarck recognized his mistake and went to work peace.
  • Campaign Against Socialists

    Campaign Against Socialists
    After the campaign against the church, Bismarck targeted Socialists who he feared would undermine the loyalty of German workers and cause a revolution. He then tried to dissolve socialist groups, shut newspapers, and banned their meetings. His plan backfired again as workers were unified to support the socialist cause.
  • Reforms for Germany

    Reforms for Germany
    Bismarck decided in order to gain favors from workers he decided to sponsoring laws to protect them. Germany had the Health Insurance Bill of 1883, the Accident Insurance Bill of 1884, and the Old Age and Disability Bill of 1889. His plans for social welfare had great reforms for the working class and also provided cheap transportation and electricity along with education that made Germany the leading power of Europe.
  • The New Kaiser

    The New Kaiser
    William II became the new kaiser after his grandfather. THe emperor wanted Bismarck to resign because he believed in his abilities and only wanted one leader in the Reich. He believed that his power to rule came from God similar to an absolute monarch, and resisted democratic reforms and instead to social welfare. His ambitious campaign for building a successful army was a factor to World War I.