
By cakday
  • Period: to

    Change Over Time

  • The Woman Rebel Issue

    The Woman Rebel Issue
    Margaret Sanger began "The Woman Rebel Issue" by spreading the word of birth control in flyers, with titles such as "The Prevention of Contraception". This was dangerous because at the time, Comstock Laws stood prohibiting the sharing of contaceptive information.
  • Margret Sanger opens first clinic

    Margret Sanger opens first clinic
    In her attempt to help woman with birth control, Margaret Sanger opens the first birth control clinic "Planned Parenthood". Her clinic is then raided by the vice squad and shut down. All paper work is also confiscated.
  • Legal birth control for theraputic purposes

    Legal birth control for theraputic purposes
    The birth control pill was now legall but only for the use of theraputic purposes and was not open to the public.
  • First Legal Birth Control Clinic

    First Legal Birth Control Clinic
    After her first failed attempt, Margaret Sanger succesfuly opens the first legal birth control clinc. Her intensions for the clinic are mainly for medical purposes, such as life threating situations.
  • To end illegal birth control

    To end illegal birth control
    Sanger aims at Massachusetts and petitions to end any anit-birht control laws. She is deafeted.
  • Katherine McCormik improves Birth Control

    Katherine McCormik improves Birth Control
    Katherine McCormik was a woman's suffragist who stood for birth control. Her donations towards the creation of contraceptives were the reason for it's happening. McCormik also played a huge role in the movement for the pill.
  • Katherine contacts Margaret

    Katherine contacts Margaret
    Katherine inherits her husbands fortune after his passing. She vows to put her money toward helping women. She writes a letter to Margaret asking about her research and donates her money towards improving birth control.
  • Women's Liberation Act

    Women's Liberation Act
    Women's Liberation Movement begins starting with the Pill.
  • Birth Control Approved

    Birth Control Approved
    After years of work by Margaret Sanger and Katharine McCormik the birth control pill is approved. This day is the offical turning point in woman's autonomy, from then on woman's lives would be changed.
  • Women Enrolled in College

    Women Enrolled in College
    There were 3.5 million women enrolled in college in the 1970s.
  • Roe vs. Wade

    Roe vs. Wade
    This argument gave women either the choice of abortion or to keep their child. Many people were against abortion. The alternitive to this entire situation can easliy be birth control. A women who did not want a child can be protected by birth control.
  • Degrees from women

    Degrees from women
    In 1981 women began earning more bachlor degrees then men. For the past 20 years women have evollved from stay at home moms to much more because of the pill.
  • Women enrolled in college

    Women enrolled in college
    In 2010 12million women were enrolled in college. This is 7million more then the amount of women enrolled in the 70's.