birth to now

  • Birth

    I was born. Halleluila.
  • YouTube is inveted

    YouTube is inveted
  • Would the real Jack Sparrow please stand up?

    Would the real Jack Sparrow please stand up?
    the year I decided to be a pirate and(try to)sail the seven seas.
  • first time on skates

    first time on skates
    Pops took me ice skating when I was four.
    (Not me in picture but good representation!)
  • Started TimBits

    First started out in this group to teach me the basics.
  • Timbits Medal Ceremony

    Coach Paul gave me a medal when I graduated from the Timbits program
  • Farmington Hills Championship Day

    Farmington Hills Championship Day
    End of the season game when I played on the Mini-Mites team
  • #9 Comets

    #9 Comets
    Age 8 Played on the Mite team the "Comets" at Suburban Ice.
  • My mom gets married

    My mom gets married
    Now I'm stuck with a brother and 2 sisters. oh great.
  • Now im 13

    Now im 13
    I'm 13 and goofing of.