The Baby is born!!!!(: A miracle!!!! -
One Month Old
The baby can lift it's head when placed on it's stomac. -
Three months old
Holds head up steadily and reaches for objects unsteadily. Sassy Electronic Keys, 3+ Months -
Four Months Old
Rolls from side to back and from back to side. -
Five Months Old
Sits alone briefly uses hands to rach and grasp. -
Six Months old
Can grasp, crumble, bang, and splash. Is able to turn completely over when lid on back or stomach. -
Seven Months Old
Sits up steadily, reaches for spoons, can also eat with its fingers. -
Eight Months Old
The baby can pick up large objects, pull its self up while holding onto furniture around the house. The baby can also propel its self by arms and knees also by squirmin motions. -
Nine Months Old
The child is more skillful with spoons, can reach for and manipulate objects, including medium-sized ones, with good control. -
Ten Months Old
Stands holding on to furniture or other supports, crawls on hands and knees and is able to walk when being led. -
11 Months Old
The baby can also show pregerence for one hand over the other, holds drinks in a cup and can fit blocks, boxes or certain toys inside each other.