Initial Conversation with XCo regarding Y
Demo of XCo Capabilities
Meeting to discuss software with professors and X Co folks
Demo of Y
CDA signed
I sent Option and License template to XCo
Meeting with Marketing team at XCo
XCo pitched their commercialization bid
Funding options SBIR and UTDC POC
I checked on Option with XCo, he would look for it
Option returned to Xulu 2 weeks late finally signed due to my mistake
Commercialization form put together start work on POC and SBIR
Roscoe Pico Co Formed
Payment issue for the Option
SBIR submitted Started discussion with CAG
POC finished except budget Budget Template issue
Request to excercise option Articels of Incorp created
MOU signed all of the negotiation finished
POC funded not the right amount how to transfer the money?
Agreement drafts back and forth
Working on consulting and shareholder agreements Accidental email from professors attorney to me
Waiting on their redline agreement
First meeting with Roscoe Pico Still didn't have their redline till after the meeting
More POC funding issues
Recieved redline (Waiting since Jan)
I sent them the checklist for startups
I returned the Agreement New royalty
Kickoff meeting per the POC funding Compliance M
COI approved
Agreement returned from Roscoe Pico Attorney
Agreement returned
Agreement Signed
Still more issues with POC funding 26 emails
More funding questions
Equity Agreement returned to me with edits
Sent equity to Xanadu
More payment issues
Signed Equity deal recieved stock certificates