Birth of Great American Documents

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta is drafted

    The Magna Carta was written by a group of barons to protect their rights and property against the King. The barons felt that King John possessed too much power and this was written in order to limit those powers. It became the "Law of the Land" suggesting that the people of England had the same rights as Englishmen. Two of the main rights that were outlined in the Magna Carta are still a big part of our constitution today such as no denial of rights. This document served to inspire and justify.
  • Petition of Right is drafted

    The Petition of Right formed from the Committee of the House denying the Crown's power to imprison without cause and the taxation without representation. This petition outlined the objections the House had. It stated the rights of the colony and indiviuals to each subject.
  • English Bill of Rights is drafted

    The English Bill of Rights laid out the basic rights of all Englishmen. It also sets the requirements of the King to seek the consent of the people as well as limiting some of their powers. Much of Parliament was influenced as it stated the rights of Parliament, rules for freedom of speech, regular elections, and right to petition the Monarch. This historical document led a great deal to Constitutional Monarchy and England's comstitution.
  • Stamp Act

    The British Parliament passed a new tax to be imposed on all colonists for any piece of printed paper. The Stamp Act was mostly used to pay tfor defending and protecting the American army. The major upset of it all was the fact that the colonists had no representation in Parliament to renounce such a tax. It denied the right of being taxed only by representatives making this Act unconstitutional. Colonists began to fear the future of taxation because this new tax was passed so easily.
  • Townshend Duties

    The Townshend Duties were serveral acts that were passed by Britain to raise revenue. Duties were placed on much of colonial imports including lead, glass, paper, and tea. The money gained from this revenue was added to British Treasury. It was used to pay for the salaries of British officials in America. People felt as though it was an attack on their legislative authority. After speculation, in 1770, Parliament repealed all dutites except those on tea.
  • Boston Massacre

    A mob of colonists gather at the Customs House in Boston where British soldiers were standing guard. The colonists begin to taunt the guards and eventually violence broke out resulting in the death of five colonists. Two British soldiers were found guilty of manslaughter. This massacre is said to be a result of a culmination of the tensions in the colonies due to the high taxation imposed by the Townshend Duties. The Sons of Liberty even advertised it as a symbol of the battle to freedom.
  • Tea Act

    The Tea Act was not an increase of tax on tea to the colonists but rather a foundation for the East India Tea Company to build off of. It gave a tax break to the Company in order for them to dig themselves out of their economic rut. The East India Tea Company now directly imported their tea to America allowing tea to sell cheaper. However, the colonies were suspicious of British motives and eventually led to the Boston Tea Party.
  • First Continental Congress

    Each colony, excluding Georgia, sent a delegate to Philadelphia at Carpenter's Hall. It started from the protest of the Intolerable Acts. They attempted to define America's rights, limit Parliament, and create a basis and agreement for English government. They also discussed the plan of union responses to increased oppression. Along with this they established the Association. The Association was a pact to keep all lines of communication open and determine rules for the resistance.
  • Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress determined how the colonist would meet the military threats and formed the Continental Army. They also established the authorization of printing money. They formed standing committees to deal with colonial problems and elected Geogre Washington as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.
  • Common Sense was published (Thomas Paine)

    Common Sense, published by Thomas Paine, challenged the authority of the Briti government and royal monarchy. He suggests that the British monarchy is granted too much power. Common Sense states what the government's role should be and some ways to get there. One way he suggests to gain a better world is for America to become independent. America has evolved and the British government is holding them back.
  • Declaration of Independence was signed

    Representatives of the colonies joined together in order to create reform and structure for America. In order to deny tyranny they must declare independence. The Declaration is written to secure liberties, form a government and mutual bond of colonies, and assist one another. Fifty-six men signed the Declaration of Independence in order to pledge freedom and honor for the new colonies.