
By GraceJM
  • Heredity

    Gregor Mendel, the father of modern genetics, develops his laws of inheritance
  • Plant Breeding

    Plant Breeding
    Plant Breeding
    Luther Burbank, the father of modern plant breeding, develops more than 800 new strains of fruits, vegetables and flowers.
  • Wheat- rye hybrid

    Wheat- rye hybrid
    The first higher-yield, hardier wheat-rye hybrid grain is created
  • Marquis Wheat - A Canadian Original

    Marquis Wheat - A Canadian Original
    Dr. Charles Saunders, plant breeder, developed Marquis Wheat, by selecting superior seeds from a cross of Hard Red Calcutta and Red Fife wheats.
  • mutated sheep

    Dolly the sheep is the first animal clone to be born.
  • lots of biotech crops

    lots of biotech crops
    Biotech varieties of soybean, cotton, corn, canola, tomato, and potato seed are planted on 4.5 million acres in Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Mexico, and the US
  • NCFAP impact

    NCFAP impact
    NCFAP the combined impact of the 11 biotech crops used in the U.S. resulted in 62 million fewer pounds of pesticides used
  • Biotech suagr beets

    Biotech suagr beets
    Sugar beets produced with biotechnology are commercialized.
  • Biotech taking over food

    Biotech taking over food
    Additional whole foods enhanced by biotechnology are submitted for government review, including non-browning apples, and low-acrylamide potatoes.
  • PapayaSaved devestation

    PapayaSaved devestation
    Virus-protected papaya, developed through biotechnology to save the crop from devastation,