Gregor Mendel, the father of modern genetics, develops his laws of inheritance -
Plant Breeding
Plant Breeding
Luther Burbank, the father of modern plant breeding, develops more than 800 new strains of fruits, vegetables and flowers. -
Wheat- rye hybrid
The first higher-yield, hardier wheat-rye hybrid grain is created -
Marquis Wheat - A Canadian Original
Dr. Charles Saunders, plant breeder, developed Marquis Wheat, by selecting superior seeds from a cross of Hard Red Calcutta and Red Fife wheats. -
mutated sheep
Dolly the sheep is the first animal clone to be born. -
lots of biotech crops
Biotech varieties of soybean, cotton, corn, canola, tomato, and potato seed are planted on 4.5 million acres in Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Mexico, and the US -
NCFAP impact
NCFAP the combined impact of the 11 biotech crops used in the U.S. resulted in 62 million fewer pounds of pesticides used -
Biotech suagr beets
Sugar beets produced with biotechnology are commercialized. -
Biotech taking over food
Additional whole foods enhanced by biotechnology are submitted for government review, including non-browning apples, and low-acrylamide potatoes. -
PapayaSaved devestation
Virus-protected papaya, developed through biotechnology to save the crop from devastation,