Biotech- Emmelyne

  • Period: to

    Biotechnology Advances

  • DNA (Exact date unknown)

    DNA (Exact date unknown)
    Herb Boyer and Stanley Cohen created the world's first Genetically engineered DNA organism.
  • Genetech was founded (Exact date unknown)

    Genetech  was founded (Exact date unknown)
    Herb Boyer teamed up with a venture capitalist to form Genetech, the world's first genetic engineering company. Scientist were able to study deeper into the worldof biotechnology.
  • Somatostatin (Exact date unknown)

    Somatostatin (Exact date unknown)
    Genetech announced the cloning and manufacturing of this human hormone. Scientists were now aware that cloning and manufacturing of hormones was possible, and so began trying to clone and manufacture other hormones.
  • Transgenic animals (Exact date unknown)

    Transgenic animals (Exact date unknown)
    Scientists at the Ohio University, announced the creation of the world's first Transgenic animals, this allowed scientists to develop more advanced breeds of animal, and farmers to receive more money for their sales.
  • Creation of Humulin (Exact date unknown)

    Creation of Humulin (Exact date unknown)
    Genetech's newly created insulin drug, produced by Genetically Engineered bacteria, was the first biotech drug to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It is used for the treatement of Diabetes.
  • Plasmids (Exact date unknown)

    Plasmids (Exact date unknown)
    The first gentic transformation of plant cells took place, using the Plasmids found in a TI leaf. Scientists were able to look further into the lives of plants.
  • Vaccines (Exact date unknown)

    Vaccines (Exact date unknown)
    Chiron's Recombivax HB. The first genetically engineered vaccine is approved for the prevention of Hepititis B. Vaccines for other diseases were further looked into, now knowing that such cures were possible.
  • Cystic Fibrosis (Exact date unknown)

    Cystic Fibrosis (Exact date unknown)
    The Gene that causes the fatal disease, Cystic Fibrosis, was discovered. This allowed further research into the disease to help find a cure.
  • Oil Spill

    Oil Spill
    Microorganisms are used to clean up the Exxon valdez oil spill.
  • Gay Gene (Exact date unknown)

    Gay Gene  (Exact date unknown)
    The gene that determined the gender of a speciman was found. At first it was inaccurately dubbed the 'gay gene.' At this time, The genes that caused Breast cancer, Alzhiemers and Obesity was also found.
  • Ashanti De Silva (Exact date unknown)

    Ashanti De Silva (Exact date unknown)
    The 4 year old Ashanti De Silva was the first to recieve genetiacally engineered white blood cells to help boost her weak immune system. This marked the beginning of Gene Therapy.
  • Flavr Savr

    Flavr Savr
    The world's first GM Food, a tomato, went on the market. It was made to last longer than the average tomato. But it was a failure,andwent off the market shelves soon after.
  • Dolly the Sheep was born

    Dolly the Sheep was born
    Dolly the sheep was the first animal clone.
  • Humane Genome (Exact date unknown)

    Humane Genome  (Exact date unknown)
    the first draft of the huamn Genome was available for scientific use. This allowed scientists to establish the roles and interactions of different genes.
  • Stem cell discovery (Exact date unknown)

    Stem cell discovery (Exact date unknown)
    Professor Alan Trounson announced he had taken a stem cell from human embryos and grown them in the lab, these new growths had the potential to help develop cures for paraplegia, Parkinson's disease and diabetes.
  • Put to the vote (Exact date Unknown)

    Put to the vote (Exact date Unknown)
    Politicians voted for the stem cell research to continue, Priminister John Howard announced the funding for a new centre to help with the research into stem cell and tissue repair.