Biotech Art

  • Germ Paintings

    Germ Paintings
    Alexander Fleming showed his "germ paintings" which were images drawn by putting bacteria on a paper, pre-soaked in a culture medium and incubated. This was in a hospital, not an art gallery.
  • Delphinium flowers

    Delphinium flowers
    Edward Steichen exhibited a collection of Delphinium flowers that were the result of a chemical experiment. The seeds were put in a bath of colchicine, which mutates the flowers.
  • Period: to

    Body Suspension Performances

    Stelarc, a performance artist, completed 26 body suspension performances during 1976 - 1988 with hooks in the skin. He used things like medical instruments, prosthetics, etc.
  • The Reincarnation of Saint-Orlan

    The Reincarnation of Saint-Orlan
    Orlan morphed her face to look like famous paintings and sculptures of women. She used these surgeries to depict them feminine ideal as seen by male artists.
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    Stelarc & Awards

    Stelarc won a variety of awards, and participated in multiple artist-in-residence type countries all over the world.
  • Aimee Mullins

    Aimee Mullins
    Aimee Mullins collaborated with fashion designer Alexander McQueen. She participated in a fashion show showcasing disabled models.
  • GFP Bunny

    GFP Bunny
    Eduardo Kac created transgenic a GFP (green fluorescent protein) rabbit
  • DNA Portraits

    DNA Portraits
    Marc Quinn exhibited his Genomic Portrait: Sir John Sulston at the National Portrait Gallery in London, UK
  • Semi-Living Steak

    Semi-Living Steak
    Tissue Culture & Art Project created a Semi-Living steak, which was a lab grown meat made from frog cells cultivated in a bioreactor. They cooked it up with a honey-garlic sauce and served the steak in a museum in France. Catts said that "the steak had the consistency of gelatinous goo wrapped in felt, but the sauce was really good." There was another one made before this, in 2000 made from pre-natal sheep cells
  • Cremaster 3 project

    Cremaster 3 project
    Aimee Mullins collaborated with Matthew Barney. In this project, she posed for photos, showing how the human body can be presented and extended beyond so-called human "normalcy'.
  • Primo Posthuman

    Primo Posthuman
    Natasha Vita-More's best work, known as Primo Posthuman, proposes the idea of a future human. A human of intentional design rather than natural. Kind of like an artificial human. This design would overcome things like aging and disease.
  • Project Pandrogyny

    Project Pandrogyny
    Created by Genesis Breyer P-Orridge and their wife Lady Jane Breyer P-Orridge. The two tried to make a amalgam of their two selves. The project touched on themes such as personal transformation and postgenderism.
  • Ear on Arm

    Ear on Arm
    The whole Ear on Arm project started in 2006. A "biological scaffold" was placed in his left forearm to enable him to grow the ear.
  • Petunia Circadia

    Petunia Circadia
    Petunia Circadia is a colour changing flower. The colours of the flower change throughout the day by basically changing the plants circadian rhythms. Petunia Circadia harnesses the internal clock of the plant and regulates the colour. Resulting in a colour change about every 12 hours. NOTE: couldn't exactly find a time when this started so I kind of guessed
  • Victimless Leather

    Victimless Leather
    A thumb-sized "jacket" was made from mous tissue placed inside a glass ball. It was called Victimless Leather. Cells were alive, and quickly multiplying. So much so that 5 weeks into the exhibition, the cells were threatening to clog the incubation system.Was produced by Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr (known as Tissue Culture & Art Project)
  • Becoming Dragon

    Becoming Dragon
    Micha Cardenas investigates the way technologies can both extend and morph the human body, particularly beyond gender roles. Cardenas performed "Becoming Dragon" a 365 hour mixed reality performance.
  • Bulletproof Skin

    Bulletproof Skin
    A lab-grown human skin made of spider silk. The skin could stop low-caliber bullets. The purpose of this project was to show that safety was relative and to inspire conversations about what types of safety could benefit people. NOTE: couldn't find when this happened