Jan 1, 600
The Romans and others built intricate networks of sewers as early as 600 B.C. for collecting waste water which underwent subsequent biological treatment.
The Romans
and others built intricate networks of sewers as
early as 600 B.C. for collecting wastewater which -
Period: Jan 1, 600 to
During the 18th century in Rhode Island, it was believed that disposing of waste into local rivers would dilute the waste.
The process of bioremediation was reportedly devised by George M Robinson during the experimentation with dirty jars
Ananda Chakrabarty and his colleagues at General Electric discovered a strain of bacteria that is able to degrade some components in crude oil.
The first commercial use of a bioremediation system was to clean up a Sun Oil pipeline spill in Ambler, Pennsylvania.
Clean out of the fuel holding tanks on the RMS Queen Mary.
Clean out of the fuel holding tanks on the RMS Queen Mary. -
The oil-eating superbug was developed at General Electric by Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty, Ph.D.
Commercialization of bioremediation began in earnest particularly for the treatment of contaminated soils and more recently groundwater.
A powerful promotion of the technology occurred after itshigh profile use on contaminated shorelines afterthe Exxon Valdez spill.
The term bioremediation began to get more widespread use.
Commercialization of bioremediation began in earnest particularly for the treatment of contaminated soils and more recently groundwater.
Survey prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency received information on 240 cases of bioremediation in the United States
Bioremediation mechanism was discovered by UK researchers.