Biology Timeline

  • Creasionist and fixists beliefs

  • Georges Louis Lecrec, Count of Buffon (1707-1788) abandon fixist beliefs, three causes why species could be modified, these were: diet, climate and customs

  • Carolus Linnaeus , who was creationist and fixist presented his theory speciation through hybridization.

  • Linnaeus published his book “Systema Naturae”

  • Lamark Theory Of Evolution based on the principle that physical changes in organisms during their lifetime, such as greater development of an organ or a part through increased use. Could be transmitted to their offspring.

  • The first evidences of evolution were fossils.

  • The term "evolution"

  • Alfred Wallace's theory of evolution occasionally individuals would appear with different traits different , if the traits are better they would compete until one specie is completely eliminated. Leaving the most adapted standing.

  • In the origin of life Darwin referred to three aspects of evolution, these are adaptation, transformation, and diversification.

  • Charles Darwin's theory of evolution states that evolution happens by natural selection. individuals most suited to their environment survive and, given enough time, the species will gradually evolve.

  • Haeckel answered the intellectual challenge that the microbial world posed, and created a system of three kingdoms of living beings, adding Protista, the newest kingdom that would make third with Animal Kingdom and Plant Kingdom.

  • Edouard Chatton published a work in which he represented the diversity of living beings with a template where biodiversity was classified under different assumptions to that of kingdoms

  • George Lemaitre suggested the idea that the universe began as just a single point and then, expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is now.

  • Herbert Copeland performed a relatively obvious and predictable maneuver of Haeckel’s proposal, He separated bacteria from the protista, creating the fourth kingdom of cells without organelles: The Monera.

  • George Gamow predicted that, staring from an infinitely dense and heated beginning of matter, which cause a great explosion, an enormous amount of photons must have been released through the cosmos.

  • Harold Urey deduced the initial compounds of the reducing atmosphere of primitive Earth.

  • Stanley Miller designed a system of flasks and tubes to simulate the hydrosphere as the atmosphere of primitive Earth. In the same year they prove the absence of living things during the process, and refuse Oparin’s statement

  • Robert Whitaker notably argued about a reality hidden from the sight of all biologists. He documented a wide and diverse subgroup of species, some macroscopic and others microscopic.

  • A group of scientists confirmed by Alexander Rich(1924-2015), Carl Woese (1928-2012), Leslie Origel (1927-2007) and Francis Crick (1916-2004) made a proposal statement based on the existence of a biological world based on RNA molecules.

  • Carl Woese studied the sequence of nucleotides of genes originating from diversity of species representing all kingdoms. He tried to verify the genealogic relationships between the kingdoms.

  • the Theory of “ The world of RNA” was written. it stated molecules would have unified the necessary functions for life, the stored information and by biochemical reaction make replicas of themselves to evolve by growing replication of genetic information.

  • Lynn Margulis in collaboration with Karlene Schwartz published a book titled “Five Kingdoms” which included descriptions, photographs and schematizations of species representative of each kingdom.