Period: 5000 BCE to
King Tut
Scribe is a person who records all the kings data. A papyrus is a heavy peace of paper that the Egyptian's used to write. Heiroglyphs is the alphabet the Egyptians use -
1343 BCE
King Tut Birth
King Tut was born around 1343 b.c. Nobody really Knows who was his father, but his father was probably King Amenhotep. He was probably born in Egypt. -
1343 BCE
The viziers was scared that King Tut would follow in his father footsteps and have only one god, so they reopened all the temples. -
1343 BCE
By the age of ten he was married and already became King after his father died -
1343 BCE
Because of Kin Amenhotep did away with the gods and have only one god, it after he died the vizier influenced Tut to bring them back -
1342 BCE
King Amenhotep decided to do away all the thousands of gods and have only on god -
1325 BCE
King Tut probably died because of his bone structure or because of a disease -
1325 BCE
King Tut probably had children but died, because early scientists had found two babies. -
1325 BCE
King Tut died at the age of nineteen nobody really knows how he died -
Because of Lord Carnarvon dying right after they opened the tomb people think he got the curse of King Tut -
King Tut was a extrodinary discovery. People wanted to know about the life back in Egypt and a view of what it was like. People started ro wear Egyptian jewerly and clothing. There was even a hit novel song called Old King Tut by entertainers Billy Jones and Ernie Hare -
He has impacted modern day because we have a glimpse of what it was back in Egypt. We have a better understanding of how they ruled back then.