Biography of Francisco Franco

  • Francisco Franco was born

    Francisco Franco was born
  • He did the National Rising in Spain

    He did the National Rising in Spain
  • Start of the Civil War

    The Civil War started when the Generals Emilio Mola and Francisco Franco started an uprising to overthrow the democratically elected Republic
  • He did the National Rising in Africa

    He did the National Rising in Africa
  • He was named supreme leader of the rebel side

    He was named supreme leader of the rebel side
  • He became the national leader of the Traditionalist Spanish Falange and the National Syndicalist Offensive Boards

    He became the national leader of the Traditionalist Spanish Falange and the National Syndicalist Offensive Boards
  • The military aid from Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy contributed to Franco's final victory

    The military aid from Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy contributed to Franco's final victory
  • The end of the Civil War

    The Civil War ended with the victory of the national side led by Franco
  • He leads the Nationalists to victory in the Civil War

    He leads the Nationalists to victory in the Civil War
  • He declared Spain to be a monarchy

    He declared Spain to be a monarchy
  • Francisco Franco died

    Francisco Franco died