When vegetable oil was first experimented
Scientist named E.Duffy and J.Patrick first experimented on vegtable oil. It was many years before the first diesiel engine was made. -
Rudolf D. Made a model of an engine
Rudolf Diesel made a prime model, a single 10 ft (3m) of iron cylinder with a fly wheel as its base. It ran on its own for the first time in Augsburg,Germany. Running on nothing but peanut oil.
In remembrance of this event it has been declared "International Biodiese Day." -
Speech made by Diesel
Dielsel made a speech on how vegetable oils for ingines fuels may seem insignficant today but such oil may become important as petroleum and coal-tar products of the present time. -
Dr.Diesel died
After Dr. Diesel petroleum became widely avaliable in variety of forms like diesel fuel. -
Alot of coutry's using or tested vegetable oil
1920-1930 these countries and later during the World War II have been using vegetable oil as diesel -Belguim, France,Italy,the United Kingdom,Portugal,Germany,Brazil,Argentina,Japan,and China were reported to have tested and used vegetable oil. -
A guy was granted to patent for a transformation of vege. fuels
A guy named G.Chavanne of the University of Brussles (Belguim) was granted a patent for a (a change in transformation of vegetable oils and fuel) to spilt the fatty acids from the glycerol by replacing glyrecol with short linear alchols. This is known as Biodiesel. -
a scientist made a first industiral process for biodiesel
A Brazilian scientist invented and submittied for patent the first industrial process for the production of biodiesel. -
Different standards in South Africa
A research has been done into the use of trasesterified sunflower oil, and refinig it to diesel fuel standards in south Africa. -
Biodiesel became internaional
The process for producing fuel-quility, engine-tested biodiesel was completed and published internationally, -
Industrial scale plant
The first industrial-scale plant. -
A lot of rapeseeds
With a capacity of 30,000 tons of rapeseeds per annum. -
A lot of plants were opened in diffferent countries
A lot of plants were opened in many European countries including the Czech Repulic,Germany, and Sweden. -
Now Biodiesel In Europe
The Austrian Biofuels Institute had identified 21 countries with commercial Biodesel project. 100% Biodiesel is now available at many normal service stations across Europe. -
A city deciced to only run buses on fish-oil based biodiesel
A city called Novia Sotia decided to update to its bus system to only using fish-oil based biodiesel. at first the buses had some mechanical issues but after 2 years of refinig. It has worked great since. -
Biodiesel sold in U.S
Minnesota became the first U.S state to mandate that all diesel fuel is sold in the state contain part Biodiesel, requiring a content of at least 2% biodiesel. -
UK mcdonalds announced it will start producing biodiesel from the oil they use
Mcdonalds in UK announced it would start producing biodiesel from the waste oil byproduct of its restuarants. This would be used to run its fleet -
Biodiesel used in trains
The Royal train completed its first ever journey run on 100% biodiesel fuel supplied by Green Fuels. Ever since that day the train has only operated on 100% Biodiesel. -
Disney uses thier own Biodiesel on all the trains
Disney tested Biodiesel on a train in 2007, and decided to use on all thier trains from there own cooking oil. This is a change from running the trains on soy-based biodiesel. -
Airplanes use Biofuel
United Airlines flew the world's first commercial aviation flight on microbially-derived biofuel using Solajet. 40% Solajet and 60% petroleum. -
Biofuel is now used anually around U.S
The renewable fuel standerd called for 7.5 billion US gallons of biofuels used annually by 2012 and this is expanding markets