
Billboards Timeline

  • First Proper Billboard

    First Proper Billboard
    Jared Bell invented the first proper billboard in 1835. He was advertising a circus and put up a large and colourful billboard in P.T. Barnum saw the benefits of this advertisement ,and also followed suit. At this time, billboards were typically large posters displaying colourful pictures, and emphasizing features and promotions for upcoming shows.
  • Increasing Popularity

    Increasing Popularity
    Changes to billboards began in the 1860's. Businesses were now able to purchase outdoor space for advertisement. Advertisers began setting up different billboards and experimenting with their own forms and creatives. The earliest recorded leasings of billboards occurred in 1867.
  • Associations Founded

    Associations Founded
    The International Bill Posters Association of North America,was formed in 1872 in St. Louis. Three years later in 1875, Michigan formed the first state outdoor advertising association with concerns regarding regulations and marketing. Indiana, New York, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin followed.
  • Paris Exposition

    Paris Exposition
    The 1889 Paris Exposition created the first twenty-four sheet billboard. This length became the standard format for billboards everywhere. This new format led to poster art schools being established in England, Austria and Germany, launching the industry’s expansion to other countries around the world, including the UK.
  • Use by large companies

    Use by large companies
    Large companies like Palmolive, Kellogg and Coca-Cola began mass-producing billboards as part of their national marketing plans. By 1912, most cities and urban areas had outdoor advertising.
  • Roadside Marketing

    Roadside Marketing
    The market shifted towards roadsides, as travel and transport progressed, becoming more affordable and common. The creation of the Interstate Highway System resulted in increased success for billboard advertising,
  • Billboard Regulations Established

    Billboard Regulations Established
    Until the 1960s, there was a lack of restrictions regarding the size, spacing, placement, and design of billboards. This changed in 1965 with the Highway Beautification Act: It limited billboards to commercial and industrial areas and by requiring states to set size, lighting, and spacing standards.
  • First Digital Billboard

    First Digital Billboard
    In 2001, Lamar Outdoor purchased the first digital display. This
    display wasn’t entirely digital, and by today’s standards, was very low-resolution, but it was groundbreaking for the industry.
  • Increased Sales in Digital Billboards

    Increased Sales in Digital Billboards
    From 2004 - 2005, the price of digital billboards were finally economically feasible and sales grew rapidly.
  • First 3D Billboard

    First 3D Billboard
    In 2017, Coca Cola created the first 3D billboard in Times Square Manhattan. It was later recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the first 3D robotic billboard.