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Bill Gates

  • Traft 'O' Data

    Traft 'O' Data
    Development of a computer program that monitored traffic in Seattle. Netted $20,000
  • College Drop Out

    College Drop Out
    Gates dropped out of Harvard University after changing tracks from a career in law to something tech based
  • Business Venture

    Business Venture
    Gates partnered with Paul Allen to create Microsoft
  • No Open Source

    No Open Source
    Gates wrote a letter to hobbyists stating "preventing good software from being distributed without pay"
  • MITS is Sold

    MITS is Sold
    Due to disagreements with Gates, Ed Roberts sold MITS leaving Gates on his own.
  • Challenging Authority

    Challenging Authority
    Gates sues the new owner of MITS for software
  • Microsoft

    1979, grossing more than 2.57 million; at the age of 23 Gates placed himself as the head of the company.
  • Software

    Microsoft develops software for IBM
  • Microsoft invited to partner

    Microsoft invited to partner
    Apple invited Microsoft to work on new software for Macintosh
  • Gates stands alone

    Gates stands alone
    Paul Allen steps down from Microsoft due to Hodgkins disease leaving Gates alone.
  • Software Development

    Software Development
    software developers were unwilling to write programs for the VisiCorp system and it lost momentum by early 1985.
  • More Legal Issues

    More Legal Issues
    Apple threatened to sue, and Microsoft retaliated, saying it would delay shipment of its Microsoft-compatible software for Macintosh users.
  • Legalities and Preservation

    Legalities and Preservation
    Throughout the 1990s, Microsoft faced a string of Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department investigations but Microsoft was able to push through
  • Honored

    He was knighted as an honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire bestowed by Queen Elizabeth II in 2005.
  • More Recognition

    More Recognition
    In 2016, Gates and his wife Melinda were recognized for their philanthropic work when they were named recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama.
  • Guest Appearance

    Guest Appearance
    In early 2018, Gates achieved another distinction with the announcement he would guest star on an episode of The Big Bang Theory.