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President Clinton's Time in Office
Bill Clinton won the election
Bill Clinton becomes the first Democratic president in 12 years and the 42nd president of the United States. He wins with 43 percent of the vote, beating out incumbent George H.W. Bush, and independent candidate Ross Perot. -
President Clinton is sworn into office
Clinton is inaugurated. In his inaugural address, Clinton talks about the rise of technology and global commerce and says his intentions are to face the new challenges of the post-Cold War world. "There is nothing wrong with America that can not be cured by what is right with America," he declares -
First Days
Within his first few days in office, Clinton signs an order repealing the Reagan and Bush-era restrictions on abortions and signs the Family and Medical Leave Act allowing workers at large companies to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to attend to family concerns. This is a major turning point becuse family care and abortions were not usually talked about except when saying they were wrong. This is the first time they were publically acknowledged abortion in a way that wasn't negative. -
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy
Clinton announces the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in a speech at the National Defense University at Fort McNair. A compromise reached after Congress had threatened to override Clinton's attempt to lift the ban against homosexuals in the military altogether, the policy forbids the military to ask a recruit about his or her sexual orientation or the recruit to talk about it. This was a major turning point because homosexuals had never been tolerated before in this manner and moves to equality -
President Clinton signs into law the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which takes effect on January 1, 1994. NAFTA is a trade agreement between the US, Canada, and Mexico that eliminates all most all taiffs between the nations in trade. Its purpose was to increase economic activity and trade. -
Paula Corbin Jones
Paula Corbin Jones, a former Arkansas state employee, files a federal civil lawsuit in Little Rock, Arkansas, accusing Clinton of making "persistent and continuous" unwanted sexual advances toward her during a business conference in May 1991, while Clinton was the governor of Arkansas. This was not good for President Clinton. This started him on a downward spiral of more accusations and poor public image. -
The Affair Begins
In November of 1995, the affair began between President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. The affair will lead to a very lenghty investigation and run both of thier reputations into the ground. -
Second Term
President Clinton is elected to a second term. He is the first democratic president to do so since FDR. This was a huge win for President Clinton becuause it was a reflection of the American people liking his reforms and wanting more from him. -
The Lincoln Bedroom
The White House releases documents from 1995 that show Clinton had approved of plans to reward Democratic Party donors with overnight stays in the Lincoln Bedroom. This causes more controversy over his presidency in light of the recent claims that Paula Corbin Jones had made. It continues to tarnish his public image. -
The Scandal
The story breaks in the press. The allegations come to light after Kenneth W. Starr, the Whitewater independent counsel, learns of audiotapes on which Lewinsky describes the alleged affair and cover-up to a confidante, Linda Tripp. If President Clinton's image wasn't suffering before, it definetly was by then. Its still very well known today because as a president, you are supposed to be a model citizen and having an affair is not approved of. -
The House impeaches Clinton on perjury and obstruction of justice -- two of the four articles of impeachment. Democratic Congressional leaders assemble on the White House lawn as a show of support. -
After a month-long trial, the Senate acquits Clinton of impeachment on both charges; 45 out of the 100 Senators vote "guilty" on the perjury charge, and 50 of the 100 Senators vote "guilty" on the obstruction of justice charge -- both falling short of the two-thirds majority needed for conviction. Clinton accepts the verdict and calls on the nation to begin a period of "reconciliation and renewal." This is a major turning point in the Clinton presidency becuse he is allowed to stay in office. -
Two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, go on a shooting spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, killing 13 people and then themselves. The tragedy opens a new debate on gun control. While guns had been discussed before, this was one of the first times that the issue was represented in a negative way. The issue was used to show that there should be more gun controlled rather than the already put in place background checks. -
President Clinton helps China enter the World Trade Organization
Overcoming strong opposition by many Republicans leaders, Clinton signs a bill extending permanent normal trade status to China. A critical foreign policy goal for Clinton, the bill solidifies the trade partnership between China and the United States and will help China's entry into the World Trade Organization.