Bill Clinton presindent of USA

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    Bill was born and raised in Arkansas and attended in Gerogetown Unniversity

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    the media speculated that Clinton would enter the esidential race after incumbent NY governor Cuomo declined to run and Democratic front-runner Gary Hart withdrew owing revelations of multiple marital infidelitie Clinton decided to remain as Arkansas.

  • He was elected presinden and he became the third-youngest presindent in history with 47 years old.

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    William Jefferson Clinton. was presindent of the United States of American

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    Bill advocated for a wide variety of legislation &programs most of which were enacted into law or implemented by the executive branch His policies particularly the USA Free Trade Agreement and welfare reform, have been attributed to a centrist Third Way.

  • the Clinton administration launched the first official White House website, The site was followed with three more versions, resulting in the final edition launched in 2000,

  • Secretary of Defense Cohen presents President Clinton the DoD Medal for Distinguished Public Service.