Bill Clinton BA

  • Birth

  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
  • College Graduation

    College Graduation
    Clinton graduates college from Georgetown and delivers a commencement.
  • Bill and Hillary Clinton marriage

    Bill and Hillary Clinton marriage
    They were married in their own living room so it was private.
  • Governor of Arkansas

    Governor of Arkansas
    He served a two year term at this position.
  • Chelsea Clinton was born

    Chelsea Clinton was born
    She is now an american writer.
  • Bill Wins the 1992 Presidential election

    Bill Wins the 1992 Presidential election
    He beats out George H.W in a close race.
  • Heath Care Reform

    Heath Care Reform
    He gives universal Heath care.
  • Gore heads National Performance Review

    Gore heads National Performance Review
    Clinton's vice president AL Gore to introduce a Reinventing Government. This reduces the number of federal employees.
  • Family Medical Leave Act

    Family Medical Leave Act
    Clinton signs this act which requires companies to give a leave to workers with family emergencies.
  • World Trade Center Bombing

    World Trade Center Bombing
    A bomb is planted by terrorist in the world trade center and causes mass destruction.
  • Janet Reno Becomes Attorney General

    Janet Reno Becomes Attorney General
    The senate confirms her as the US attorney general. She was Clinton's 3rd choice and the first woman to serve in this positon.
  • Navy Attacks Baghdad

    Navy Attacks Baghdad
    Clinton orders an attack trying to take down intelligence operations.
  • Vince Foster Death

    Vince Foster Death
    Deputy of the council dies in a suicide in northern Virginia park.
  • Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

    Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
    President Clinton signs the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. Lays out a plan to reduce the budget deficit by $496 billion through 1998, using a combination of spending cuts and tax increases.
  • Clinton unveils healthcare plan

    Clinton unveils healthcare plan
    President Clinton unveils a plan for universal health care that would fix what he called a “badly broken” system. Clinton emphasizes that under his plan, all Americans would have high quality health care and would be able to choose their physicians.
  • American Forces Ambush Somalia

    American Forces Ambush Somalia
    They stormed Somalia searching for Mohammed Farah Aidid
  • Brady Act

    Brady Act
    Requires potential handgun purchases to wait five days for a background check.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
    It established free trade in north america.
  • Start I Signed

    Start I Signed
    President Clinton, along with the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine, signs the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I) in Budapest, Hungary. The treaty eliminates more than 9,000 warheads.
  • Congressional Accountability Act

    Congressional Accountability Act
    President Clinton signs the Congressional Accountability Act, requiring Congress to abide by the same anti-discrimination workplace rules that apply throughout the rest of the country.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    Masked terrorist planted a bomb in front of a medical building and killed many people including babies.
  • Fundraising investigations begin

    Fundraising investigations begin
    The Senate votes 99-0 to approve an investigation into the “improper” and “illegal” fund-raising tactics of both the White House and members of Congress. Allegations by Republicans and some Democrats of illegal fund raising by the Clinton White House spur the investigation.
  • Chemical Weapons Become illegal

    Chemical Weapons Become illegal
    The Senate ratifies the Chemical Weapons Convention, making illegal the production, acquisition, stockpiling, or use of chemical weapons.
  • Missile Strikes Iraq

    Missile Strikes Iraq
    Clinton orders a cruise missile to strike Iraq
  • Bill Clinton is re-elected for president

    Bill Clinton is re-elected for president
  • Paula Jones lawsuit

    Paula Jones lawsuit
    In a decision affecting both the scope of presidential power and the immediate future of the Clinton presidency, the Supreme Court rules that Paula Jones can pursue her sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton, even while he is in office.
  • Stabilizing Southeast Asia

    Stabilizing Southeast Asia
    President Clinton orders the United States government to contribute $3 billion to an international bail-out of Indonesia totaling over $22 billion. The Clinton administration argues that the bailout will help stabilize the shaky financial situation in Southeast Asia.
  • Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinsky

    Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinsky
    Bill has an affair with another woman in the white house.
  • Impeachment

    Bill Clinton was Impeached due to obstruction of justice.