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Bilingual Timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
  • Best English Teacher

    Best English Teacher
    I has the best English Teacher in the world. Her name was Mrs. Romero. She got me hooked in English. She was my English Elementary Teacher and she inspired me to learn English.
  • Conversational English

    Conversational English
    I took an Summer Course and then went to Disney and test my English. My parents were so proud of me.
  • Cable

    My parents got Cable TV so I would be exposed to the English language. I would sit down with a notebook and put on CC1 and write down the word that I didn't know and look up their meaning. I didn't like my middle or high school teacher. This way I learned my upper leveled English.
  • High Score

    High Score
    I got one of the highest score in the English part of the Collage Board in my school.
  • Graduation

    In my High School Graduation I got a Medal for Outstanding English.
  • Reading

    I started to read in English for pleasure
  • Teacher

    Started to work as a Bilingual Teacher at Wesleyan Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree

    Bachelor's Degree
    Got finally my BA in Elemantary Education.
  • Ipad

    Got an Ipad an started reading Ebooks and have read in English since this date to now almost 40 books. I'm loving every minute of it.
  • Urban Elementary School

    Urban Elementary School
    Started to work as an Second Grade BIlingual Elementary School teaching the subjects of Math and Science.
  • Bilingual Certification

    Bilingual Certification
    Started my Bilingual Certification with Sagrado Corazón University