• Civil Rights Act, Titile VI

    prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin.
  • The start of Bilingual Education in NM

    New Mexico is one of the first states to implement Spanish/English bilingual education
  • May 25 Memorandum

    Reminder sent of their responsibilities under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Lau v. Nichols

    A law suit rules that identical education is not equal education under the Civil Rights Act. These processes are effective for students who are english learners
  • Equal Educational Opportunity Act

    After this law suit this act was created to mandate that no state can deny equal education to any student.
  • Amendments to Title VII

    Reevaluation of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This revision includes focus on teachers and professional development designed towards implementing a students own native language in the classroom to help with success.
  • Lau Remedies

    Standards were set by the department of Health, Education, and Welfare to follow up on the courts decision of Lau v. Nichols, this allowed for the courts decision to be implemented into the classrooms.
  • Amendments to Title VII

    Emphasized using students native language, help expand ELL learning strategies, allows easier access to students in bilingual education.
  • Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)

    Was used to replace the 'Lau Remedies" officially. It was also used to create requirements for ELL students. Only teachers who are qualified will provide this bilingual education. Includes identification, services, and exit for students in the bilingual education.
  • Castaneda v. Pickard

    Introduced the appropriate criteria for schools to implement. These include identification, assessment, services, and exit for the bilingual education program.
  • Plyler v. Doe

    Helped emphasize understanding of what exactly the state is supposed to do with bilingual education. This helped set a more stable law that children could not be denied an education based on immigration status.
  • Amendments to Title VII

    Implements grant programs for family English literacy, academic excellence, developmental Bilingual Education, Early start and Special Education students. Also includes importance of teacher and staff training in and out of the schools. Funding in 1988 was increased.
  • Executive order 13166

    this was a presidential order that helped with the improvement of access to services for LEPs.
  • Alexander v. Sandoval

    Supreme Court ruled that people can not sue the federal government under the Title VI. It also order that there must be proof that anything was intentional. Lastly it ruled that a use of language is not a discrimination.
  • No Chile Left Behind

    Replaces the ESEA Title VII grant with a Title III. This allowed more funding to multiple states for ELL programs. It also sets standards to help these students test their knowledge.