Bilingual picture

Bilingual Education Timeline

  • Bilingualism began

  • Manhattan

    At least eighteen colonial Languages were spoken in Manhattan
  • Germany

    German schools began operating
  • Cherokee Language Rights

    Cherokee Language Rights
    U.S goverment recognized the language rights of the cherokee tribe . 21 school educational system that used the cherokee syllabary to achieve a 90 percent literacy rate in the native language.
  • Schools are English only

    The federal overment forces Native American children to attend off-reservation schools .
  • Linked

    In 1968 Congress authorized 7.5 million to finance seveenty-six bilingual education projects serving 27,000 children .
  • Lau Remedies

    Lau Remedies
    Memorandum from the Office for Civil Rights mandated that school district with more that 5 percent national- origin minority children .HEW established some basic guidelines for schools with Limited English Proficient (LEP) students. Discontinued by the Reagan Administration.
  • No Child Left Behind Act Title III

    No Child Left Behind Act Title III
    Federal funding is avaliable to support schools in educating English learners
  • 1973

    In 1973, a group of English speaking Chinese students sued San Fransico Unified School District officials for claiming that 'sink or swim' instruction was a violation of their civil rights Title VI Act 1964.