The Bilingual Education Act
- Established federal goal of helping "limited-English speaking" students learn English.
- Only for poor students
- Did not require bilingual education
First Re-authorization
- Bilingual education is defined as "instruction given in, and study of, English and (to the extent necessary to allow a child to progress effectively through the education system) the native language of the children of limited English speaking ability"
Lau v Nichols
- Court ordered districts to take steps to solve educational inequities for bilingual students
Lau Remedies
- Guidelines created by the Office of Civil Rights
- Required bilingual education at the elementary level and permitted ESL programs at the secondary level
Period: to
Shift at the Polls
- States like California, Arizona, and Colorado started passing legislation against Bilingual education
- Public shift to English-only education supported by millionaire Ron Unz
Ron Unz and the B Word
- California voted to end bilingual education https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmJxf1-e0t8
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
- Used the term Limited English Proficient and used it towards those who could not meet proficiency levels in English on state assessments
- Focused on closing the achievement gap through testing and English immersion (AYP)
- Emergent bilinguals were required to take assessments in which they were required to show progress.
- School accountability demands increase
Every Student Success Act
- Share same purpose as NCLB
- Requires states establish and implement standardized entry and exit procedures for emergent bilinguals
- Accountability provisions were moved
- provide accommodations including, to an extent, assessments in the students language.
- Emergent bilinguals who have been here for less than 12 months are excluded from state assessments