Big Events of World History II

  • Jul 6, 1415

    John Huss was burned at the stake for being a dissenter of the Catholic Church

    John Huss was burned at the stake for being a dissenter of the Catholic Church
    • Bohemian religious leader
    • Advocated ideas similar to Wycliffe
    • Arrested, tried as a heritic
  • Oct 31, 1439

    Gutenburg invented the printing press

    Gutenburg invented the printing press
    Growth of literacy was stinulated by Gutenburg
  • Oct 29, 1453

    Ottoman empire conquered Istanbul and renamed it Constantinople

    Ottoman empire conquered Istanbul and renamed it Constantinople
  • Oct 31, 1473

    Copernicus creates the heliocentric theory, stating the sun was the the center of the universe

    Copernicus creates the heliocentric theory, stating the sun was the the center of the universe
    Kepler's work improved his theory by adding mathmatic reasoning
  • Oct 29, 1492

    Christopher columbus was sponsored by Spain to sail west to reach Asia

    Christopher columbus was sponsored by Spain to sail west to reach Asia
    "1492 Christopher Colombus sailed the ocean blue"
  • Oct 27, 1495

    Leonardo De Vinci painted the Last Supper

    Leonardo De Vinci painted the Last Supper
    Along with The Mona Lisa
  • Oct 31, 1500

    Tobacco was shipped along the Middle Passage of the Triangular Trade to the African Slaves

    Tobacco was shipped along the Middle Passage of the Triangular Trade to the African Slaves
    trade route across the atlantic
  • Nov 3, 1501

    De Gama sailed establishes trade with India for the Portuguese

    De Gama sailed establishes trade with India for the Portuguese
    Also the all water route to Asia
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther nails 95 Thesis to the church door in the Holy Roman Empire

    Martin Luther nails 95 Thesis to the church door in the Holy Roman Empire
    * Salvation by faith alone
    * Bible as the ultimate authority
    *All humans equal before God
    * Doesn't aprove of the selling of indulgences
    * 95 Thesis
    * Birth of Protestant Church (none Cathlic)
  • Oct 31, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan becomes the first person to circumnavigate the world

    Ferdinand Magellan becomes the first person to circumnavigate the world
    First to cross the Pacific Ocean & to Circumnavigate (sail around) the globe. Explored the Phillipine Islands turning them into major spanish base for trade in Pacific
  • Oct 31, 1521

    Hernando Cortez the Navigator and his forces conequered the Aztec Empire

    Hernando Cortez the Navigator and his forces conequered the Aztec Empire
    Gained control over Mexico by 1550
  • Oct 31, 1524

    Followers of the Caatholic Church gathered at the Council of Trent

    Followers of the Caatholic Church gathered at the Council of Trent
  • Oct 27, 1534

    King Henry VIII broke from the Cathloic church in Rome and divorced his wife

    King Henry VIII broke from the Cathloic church in Rome and divorced his wife
    *Dismissed (no longer rule) the authority of the Pope in Rome
    *Appropriated (took) lands and wealth of the Roman Cathlic Church in England
  • Nov 3, 1534

    Cartier exploered the St. Lawerence River and Montreal leading the French Claim to Canada

    Cartier exploered the St. Lawerence River and Montreal leading the French Claim to Canada
    Officailly discovered Canada
  • Nov 3, 1534

    The Jesuits were created during the Council of Trent

    The Jesuits were created during the Council of Trent
    Society of Jesus
  • Oct 31, 1555

    Queen Elizabeth I becane the head of the Anglican Church

    Queen Elizabeth I becane the head of the Anglican Church
    Also the Spanish Armada
  • Oct 31, 1561

    John Calvin beliefs established the idea of Pedestination

    John Calvin beliefs  established the idea of Pedestination
    (The Calvinist tradition)
  • Nov 3, 1578

    William Harvy studies the animals and antomy to create an accurate theory of the heart and circulatory system

    William Harvy studies the animals and antomy to create an accurate theory of the heart and circulatory system
    with help from his teacher
  • Queen Elizabeth defeated the Spanish Armada

    Queen Elizabeth defeated the Spanish Armada
    * As queen, Elizabeth was head of the Anglican Church
    * Tolerance for decenters
    * Expansion and colonialism
  • Galileo Uses his telescope to prove the Heliocentric Theory correct

    Galileo Uses his telescope to prove the Heliocentric Theory correct
    used to observe stars and other planets
  • The Thirty Year war was fough in Germany

    The Thirty Year war was fough in Germany
    Was one of the greatest and longest armed contests of the early modern period.
  • Louis XIV builds the Palace of Versailles

    Louis XIV builds the Palace of Versailles
    Resedence of all the Kings
  • Luis XIV Revoked (stopped) the Edict of Nantes Which gave Huguenots fredom of religion in France

    Luis XIV Revoked (stopped) the Edict of Nantes Which gave Huguenots fredom of religion in France
  • Peter the Great Westernizes Russia

    Peter the Great Westernizes Russia
    Changed the wat Russans thought about things. The way they dressed.