The Big Bang -
The explosion to start it all... -
The Universe Takes Shape -
Around 10E-6 Seconds after the Big Bang, The universe started to take it's shape. -
Formation of Basic Elements - 00:00:00:000.0000002
3 seconds after the Big Bang, Basic elements such as Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium start to form. -
The Radiation Era -00:00:00:000.0000002 - 00:00:22:093.5
The time when all of the wavelengths of light remained promninent. Illuminating the entire universe and keeping the heat. -
Beginning of the Era of Matter Domination - 00:11:28:058.1822
The beginning of the Reign of Matter. Where Matter dominated most of the universe. It was clumped together in groups, yet each group was not large enough to be considered dust. -
Period: to
The Universe
From the start to the now. -
The Birth of Stars and Galaxies - 23:07:38:181.756
The time when Hydrogen fused, creating stars, and when gravity pulled these stars together to form galaxies. 300 mil. after the Big Bang -
The Birth of the Sun (The Birth of the Solar System) - 06:32:43:639.584
The Sun, and in turn, our Solar System are born, creating the earth and all the planets, asteroids, moons and proto-planets that we know and love. -
First Life - 03:03:16:360.416
The First lifeform appears on Earth. Starting off as bacteria in the water, otherwise known as the "Primordial Soup". -
Primitave Animals Appear - 10:02:10:912.704
The first species start crawling out of the primordial soup. This includes a vast species of fish, reptiles and amphibians. -
First Mammals Appear - 16:34:54:541.92
Mice, Mammoths and the Great apes start walking the lands. -
Dinosaurs Become Extinct - 06:35:20:715.68
Almost all dinosaurs are wiped out in a planetary catastrophe. There are a multitude of theories to suggest how this happened. The most viable of the list is the meteorite theory, which suggests that a meteor the size of new york hit the earth, causing massive earthquakes and tsunamis. The aftermath consisted of toxic air and a complete lack of sunlight. -
Homo Sapiens Evolve - 23:37:03:869.184
The latest strand of the Homo evolutionary chain evolves. This species, originating from the great apes, goes on to create massive cities and move into space. -
Supernova 1987A Explodes - 23:53:30:82.848
A star explodes in a dwarf galaxy known as the Large Magellanic Cloud. The star is a blue supergiant 25 times more massive than the Sun. Such explosions distribute all the common elements such as Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Calcium and Iron into interstellar space where they enrich clouds of Hydrogen and Helium that are about to form new stars. They are essrntial events which drive the developent of new stars and emit cosmic radiation to mutate and evolve new life. -
The Crab Supernova Appears - 23:59:57:808.032
A star that outshined many in the night sky was recorded in China, Japan and Native America. The star was a supernova that left it's remains in the nebula known as the crab nebula. The star eventually became a pulsar and is now ionizing the nebula and rotating over -
Galileo Builds the First Telescope - 23:59:59:66.88
Gallileo builds the world's first telescope, he then used it to aid himself in finding the rings of Saturn and the moons of Jupiter. -
Isaac Newton Describes Gravity - 23:59:59:200.8
Issac Newton discovers and describes the first physical law. This law is universal and applies to all fors of matter. The law states that all matter contains a force which attracts other matter towards it's center of mass. -
Albert Einstein Publishes Theory of Relativity - 23:59:59:763.264
Albert Einstein published the most universal theory to date. The Theory of general relativity, e=mc^2. This theory allows for proof that speeds greater than the speed of light are nonexistant, and allows for energy to matter and vice-versa conversions. -
Big Bang Confirmed - 23:59:59:950.752
The Big Bang theory is finally confirmed, causing almost all of the scientific community to accept and use the idea in research and discovery. The idea also leads to the multiple ways of the universe's demise, the Big crunch, which only occurs in a closed universe, the big rip, which ends up in the universe becoming so stretched out that atoms lose their structure, the big bounce, which causes the universe to constantly collapse and grow, and the big freeze.