creation of the universe
about 15 million years ago it is believed by astronomers that the universe was formed from the big bang. according to its theory, the universe was very hot and dense and expanding a lot just as it does today. -
seconds after..
10^-6 seconds after the big bang occurred the universe was formed and 3 seconds after that there was formation of basic elements hydrogen, helium, lithium. -
Period: to
birth of space
formation of the stars, galaxies, and our sun -
vesto slipher
first to observe that almost all nebulas were moving away from Earth, used as first proof against the "static universe" model favored by Enstine. -
albert einstein
drafted "general theory of relativety" which stated "the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and that the speed of light in a vacuum was independent of the motion of all observers." -
alexander friedman
russian mathmatician who was first to predict the expansion of the universe -
georges lemaitre
Belgian mathematician and Catholic priest who developed the theory, published his findings and theory in Annales de la Societe scientifique de Bruxelles -
edvwin hubble
proposed the law of red shifts, states galaxies moving away from Earth demonstrate emission spectra which were towards the red wavelength (longer). -
another theory created
the Steady State theory was formed by Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold, and Hermann Bondi stating new matter is created as the universe expands. -
penzias and wilson
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were radio astronomers who discovered Cosmic Microwave Background radiation at -454.765 degree Fahrenheit, or 2.725 degree Kelvin which provided evidence that extreme heat was caused and still mesurable. -
hubble telescope launched
outside the Earth's atmosphere which allows it to see deeper into space than any telescope before it. -
cosmic background explorer(COBE)
successfully mapped primordial hot and cold spots in the cosmic background radiation, related to gravitational fields -
astro-2 launched
launched from Edward's Air Force base, 7 crew members, Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT). used to take pictures of the chemical makeup of things in space and lasted 16 days -
bright, active objects in space that supported the Big Bang theory and opposed the Steady State theory , evidence: only found on the outskirts -
mapping background information, 3rd mission