Big Bang Theory

  • The Big Bang

    The Big Bang
    13.8 billion years ago, the universe began as a single point, which rapidly expanded
  • Basic Elements Form

    Basic Elements Form
    3 seconds after the big bang the nuclear of H and He started forming.
  • Radiation Era

    Radiation Era
    10,000 years after the Big Bang, the universe was mostly radiation (pure energy)
  • Matter Era

    Matter Era
    300,000 years after the Big Bang, the universe had cooled and expanded enough for actual h and He atoms to form
  • First Stars & Galaxies

    First Stars & Galaxies
    300 million years after the Big Bang, the H and He gas condensed and formed the first stars
  • Our Sun Forms

    Our Sun Forms
    9 billion years after the Big Bang (4.8 billion years ago), our star formed