Big Bang Theory

  • 5000 BCE


    Plants developed before mammals which produce organic compounds
  • 4200 BCE


    A species of human like animals who separated themselves from the Homo Sapiens around 42,000 years ago. This species lived in southern Italy and made their own tools.
  • 2550 BCE


    Great pyramids were elaborate and complex structures, typically used for. burial purposes between 2550 to 2490 B.C.
  • 4


    A species of primates that humans have evolved from, They existed approximately 4.4 million years ago
  • 243


    First appeared during the Triassic period, they are a diverse group of reptiles of the class who lived between 243-233 million years ago
  • 290


    Bipeds are animals that use two legs for walking. Bolosaurid Eudibamus was the first known biped.
  • 300


    Pangae was a super continent, the idea that all continents were connected together approximately 300-200 million years ago
  • Descarte

    Descartes was a French philosopher and mathematician. He provided a mechanistic basis for the philosophical theory of dualism and is regarded as the founder of modern philosophy
  • Astronomy

    Astronomy is a branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.
  • Einstein

    One of the greatest scientists in the 20th century, working in philosophical sciences.