Big Bang
A massive amount of material exploaded with violent force. Forming the Universe -
A Super Fast Inflation
Under one second after the Big Bang the cosmos expands from the size of an atom to the size of a grape fruite. After the expanding of the expantion the cosos begain rapidly cooling permiting quarks to clumps into protons and neutrons. (All of this accured in under one second) -
Galaxies are formed
One Billion years later after the big bang the universe started a massive expantion as Hydrogen, Helium and others matters clutterred together and fromed enormus clouds, that eventually colapsed creating Galaxies. -
The Milky Way
10 billion years ago all the matters in the Universe eventually created the Milky Way (The galaxy we live in), and many stars had also formed. -
The start of our solar system
5 billion years ago gravatational energy caused the nebula to contract,rotate, and flatten. Inside,smaller concentrations. of matter began condensing to form the planets. At the center of the nebula there was significant preasure and heat to initiate hydrogen nuclear fusion, and our sun was born.