Biden's First 100 days as president.

  • Biden Get sworn in as president.

    Who- Biden
    What- Biden get sworn in as president
    Where- West Front of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.
    When- January 20, 2020
    Why- We care because it is when it sanctifies when Biden became president.
  • Terminated Trump’s 1776 Commission

    Who- Joe Biden
    What- Biden terminated a project aimed at teaching conservative historical curriculum in U.S. schools. In February, the NC Board of Education voted 7 to 5 to approve new standards requiring social studies teachers to discuss racism.
    When- January 21, 2021
    Where- The U.S.A
    Why- Because we should be able to discuss racism in schools.
  • Extended foreclosure and eviction moratoriums

    Who- Joe Biden
    What- Via executive order, Biden directed key agencies, including the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Federal Housing Finance Agency to extend the current pause on federal evictions and foreclosures.
    When- February 16, 2021
    Where- The U.S.A
    Why- Because fewer people were getting foreclosed in the time this was happening.
  • Relief for small business owners

    Who- Joe Biden
    What- $7.25 billion in emergency funding for small businesses including support for small businesses owned by entrepreneurs of color.
    Where- The U.S.A
    When- February 22, 2021
    Why- Because that gives money to small business owners which is good.
  • Emergency Housing Assistance

    Who- Joe Biden
    What- Joe Biden Provided $546 million in emergency assistance to help secure housing for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
    Where- Allover
    When-March, 29, 2021
    Why- BEcause a lot of people could not be homeless.
  • Administered 200 million vaccine doses in 100 days

    Who- Joe Biden
    What- More than 50% of US adults have now received at least one vaccine dose and more than 7 million doses have been administered in NC.
    When- Apr, 21, 21
    Where- The United States
    Why- Because it is good that people are getting vaccinated.
  • Banned workplace discrimination against LGBT employees

    Who- Joe Biden, LGBTQ+ Comunity
    What- Biden signed Exec. Order 15 to prohibit workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The order also ensures federal agencies update any existing laws that ban sex discrimination in order to prohibit discrimination against gay, bisexual and transgender workers.
    When- May 10, 2021
    Where- The U.S.A
    Why- Because you should not be discriminated against just by being yourself.
  • Child Care and Development Block Grant

    Who- Joe Biden
    What- Joe Biden sends $1.3 billion to North Carolinians to strengthen child care. This includes reopening child care centers and providing relief for working parents.
    Where- North Carolinians
    When- June 11, 2021
    Why- That's a lot of money for child care which is good.
  • Debt relief for farmers of color

    Who- Joe Biden
    What- Grants $4 billion in debt relief and $1 billion in programming to UDSA to address generations of discrimination. In North Carolina, Black farmers hold 3% of the state’s farms according to the most recent Census.
    When- August 3, 2021
    Where- The U.S.A
    Why- Because people should not be discriminated agest.
  • Stimulus Checks

    Who- Joe Biden
    What- Joe Biden Provided at least $1,400 in COVID-19 relief checks to more than 9 million North Carolinians.
    When- August, 9th
    Where- North Carolinians.
    Why- That was a lot of money to covid relief check which was good.
  • Extended unemployment insurance and child credit payments

    Who- Joe Biden
    What- Americans on unemployment are now eligible to receive $300/wk through September 2021. Parents can receive monthly child-credit payments of $250-$300. More than 2.1 million NC adults and 2.5 million children will benefit from the credit.
    When- August 20, 2021
    Where- The U.S.A
    Why- Because it's good that people are getting unemployment checks when we were in quarantine.