Politics like any other? Comparative politics, international relations and the study of the EU
). Are all politics domestic? Perspectives on the integration of comparative politics and international relations theories
«Medical effectiveness» in Canadian and U.S. health policy: The comparative politics of inferential ambiguity
«Overcoming the divide» between comparative politics and international relations approaches to the EC: What role for «Post-decisional politics»?
Coalition theory in praxis: A comparative politics simulation of the cabinet formation process
Thickening thin concepts and theories: Combining large N and small in comparative politics
). Compliance with EU directives: Insights from international relations and comparative politics
Empirical studies in comparative politics
The lessons of comparative politics: Russian political parties as independent variables?
Is comparative politics dead? Rethinking the field in the post-Cold War era.
Linking public administration to comparative politics
Religion and comparative politics
The impact of election administration on the legitimacy of emerging democracies: A new comparative politics research agenda
Tracing connections between comparative politics and globalisation. Third World Quarterly
). What do they know of India who only india know? The uses of comparative politics
Social capital: Summing up the debate on a conceptual tool of comparative politics and public policy.
Data usage in quantitative comparative politics
). Informative regress: Critical antecedents in comparative politics.
War minus the shooting? the politics of sport in Lebanon as a unique case in comparative politics.
Review essay: What happened to the study of China in comparative politics?
). Why comparative politics should take religion (more) seriously
). Beyond parochialism and domestic preoccupation: The current state of comparative politics in Canada
Gender quotas and comparative politics: Past, present, and future research agendas
The State of Comparative Politics in South Africa
The comparative politics of courts and climate change
Teaching large classes with clickers: Results from a teaching experiment in comparative politics
A feminist approach to quotas and comparative politics
Comparative politics and the synthetic control method.
). What is left and right in comparative politics? A response to Simon Franzmann. Party Politics
Comparative politics and the liberal arts college: A fragile symbiosis