1400 BCE
First instance of the bible
The word of God was first written on stone in the form of The 10 Commandments -
500 BCE
Creation of the Old Testament
Old Hebrew Manuscripts were completed to form the Old Testament -
200 BCE
Septuagint Greek Manuscripts completed
39 books of the Old Testament + 14 Apocrypha Books -
Original Greek Manuscripts completed
New Testament created/completed (27 books) -
Jerome's Latin Vulgate Manuscripts Produced (AD)
All 80 Books combined: Old Testament (39), Apocrypha (14) and New Testament (27) -
Scripture translation
Over 500 different language translations of scriptures -
One Language Allowed (AD)
Latin was the only language that the scripture was allowed to be written in -
Hand-Written Bible completed
Wycliffe was the first person to hand-write a copy of all 80 books of the bible -
Gutenberg's Bible in Latin printed
The Printing Press is invented by Gutenberg; books are massed produced rather than hand-written -
William Tyndale's New Testament (AD)
The first New Testament printed in English -
Myles Coverdale's Bible (AD)
The first full Bible printed in English (all 80 books) -
Tyndale-Matthews Bible (AD)
The second full Bible (all 80 books) printed in English by John "Thomas Matthew" Rogers -
Geneva Bible (AD)
The first full English Bible (all 80 books) printed with numbers to go with every verse in every chapter -
Bishops Bible Printed (AD)
Originally all 80 but only 66 books remain as the result of the Apocrypha being removed -
Robert Atkins Bible (AD)
First English Bible (KJV) printed in America -
Camryn Stowers