
Bible Translations

  • 443 BCE

    The Old Testament

    The Old Testament
    The old testament was finished. The testament has 39 books.
  • 200 BCE

    The Septuagint

    The Septuagint
    The Septuagint translation was the first translation from Hebrews to Greek. When this translation took place Greek was one of the most used languages
  • 735

    Translation of the Psalms into Anglo-Saxon

    Translation of the Psalms into Anglo-Saxon
    Supposedly Aldhelm wrote an Old English version of Psalms
  • 1535

    Myles Coverdale's Bible

    Myles Coverdale's Bible
    The First Bible to be competed in English.
  • Queen Defends England

    Queen Defends England
    Queen Elizabeth Repels a Spanish Invasion and defeats the Spanish Armada
  • KJV

    A translation was made for the English people by king James.
  • World War I

     World War I
    The great war begins and lasts until 1919 when the treaty is signed
  • Influenza Epidemic

     Influenza Epidemic
    The epidemic kills over 20 million people.
  • 9/11

    A terrorist attack on the United States by planes.
  • NFR Hailey Kinsel

    NFR Hailey Kinsel
    Hailey wins her first NFR and becomes the world champion barrel racer 3 years in a roll. She is going into her 4th NFR as the number 1 barrel racer