Cross fs

Bible Timeline

  • 4064 BCE

    Birth of Cain, Abel, First Murder

    Birth of Cain, Abel, First Murder
  • 4000 BCE

    Day 1 of Creations

    Day 1 of Creations
    God separated the light and dark from each other. He called the light day and the darkness night.
  • 4000 BCE

    Day 2 of Creations

    Day 2 of Creations
    God separated the heavens and waters, and called the heavens the sky.
  • 4000 BCE

    Day 3 of Creations

    Day 3 of Creations
    God separated water and land, and called the land plants.
  • 4000 BCE

    Day 4 of Creations

    Day 4 of Creations
    God created the sun, moon, and stars.
  • 4000 BCE

    Day 5 of Creations

    Day 5 of Creations
    God created the animals.
  • 4000 BCE

    Day 6 of Creations

    Day 6 of Creations
    God created Adam and Eve.
  • 4000 BCE

    Day 7 of Creations

    Day 7 of Creations
    God created the Day of Rest.
  • 3934 BCE

    Birth of Seth

    Birth of Seth
  • 2928 BCE

    Birth of Noah

    Birth of Noah
  • 2398 BCE

    Great Flood

    Great Flood
    It was 40 days and 40 nights of nothing but rain.
  • 2168 BCE

    Birth of Esau and Jacob

    Birth of Esau and Jacob
  • 2108 BCE

    Birth of Isaac

    Birth of Isaac
  • 2008 BCE

    Birth of Abraham

    Birth of Abraham
  • 1450 BCE

    Ten Commandments

    Ten Commandments
  • 1393 BCE

    Birth of Moses

    Birth of Moses
  • 1355 BCE

    Birth of Joshua

    Birth of Joshua
  • 1313 BCE

    Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt

    Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt
    After finding out he was Hebrew, he led the others out of bondage.
  • 1250 BCE

    Arrived in Canaan

    Arrived in Canaan
  • 1213 BCE

    10 Plagues

    10 Plagues
  • 400 BCE


    First translation of the Hebrew Bible into another language.
  • 399 BCE

    Latin Vulgate Bible

    Latin Vulgate Bible
    Translated by Jerome. Became the Roman Catholic Bible.
  • Dec 9, 1380

    Wycliffite Bible

    Wycliffite Bible
    First English BIble. Translated from the Latin Vulgate Bible.
  • Dec 9, 1455

    Gutenberg Bible

    Gutenberg Bible
    First substantial book to be printed using moveable type.
  • The King James Bible

    The King James Bible
    The "authorized" version. Printed in modern English for use in churches. Translated from Greek and Hebrew, not Latin.